Monday, July 22, 2024

VP Harris - Day One of the Campaign

Well, I am less depressed than I was.  I'm still bristling at the way the big money people treated President Biden, but that's done now.  Perhaps he's feeling some relief, there are six months to go in his term and the Supreme Court has given him immunity for any official acts he commits.  Perhaps he should test out how much can be done via Executive Orders.  

So this happened today.

That's impressive.  Hopefully the enthusiasm will not wane, people will keep donating money, and knocking on doors.  It's still unfortunate the the big newspapers will not cover what's in Project 2025.

And so, we will stand by to be amazed at the crap that the republicans will start slinging at her.


  1. I too feel that our President was treated in a shabby way. It does seem, though, that it was for the best for the situation, but I'm not at all certain he was or is as unwell as people seem to think. The historian Jon Meacham who is a personal friend of Biden penned a lovely tribute to him in the NYT. I will fully support our Veep in her bid to win the post.

  2. they've already started slinging but they've got nothing. she laughs. ooo, that's a baddie. Vance accuses her of accomplishing nothing despite being a prosecutor, a DA, a senator, and a VP while Vance has only been in public service for 18 months and done nothing. and now Trump is looking very old indeed, now the oldest person to ever run for president. I too am pissed about how the press and fellow dems treated Joe and we will not forget. but Joe was masterful in his meticulous plan and completely blindsided the republicans and the press. Dark Brandon strikes again.

  3. The concerted effort to bring down Biden was difficult to watch, but Harris is a breath of fresh air. I laughed to see the IQ45 is demanding the Democrats pay his campaign the funds spent campaigning against Biden. He's such a sore loser!

  4. I'm feeling better too! I'm totally impressed by how quickly people have fallen in line. No chaos so far. I love how the Republican nut cases are trying to say that by resigning, Biden has disenfranchised 14 million primary voters. Seems a bit ironic since they tried to disenfranchise many more than that when they tried to steal the election.

  5. I think this all worked out amazingly well. The Dems have short-circuited much of the Republican opposition, because it's all been focused on Biden and his age. Suddenly those issues are no more. Brilliant!

    I've seen the NYT write about Project 2025, in both the political coverage and on the opinion pages. For example:
    I think the coverage is out there, but it's fighting for attention with everything else.
