Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hot, Sick Trees and The Ear

Greetings Earthlings!  How are things in your neck of the woods.  They're hot in our neck.  This is what Weather Underground is showing in their forecast.  Our red maple is dropping leaves.  It is not happy with these temperatures.  I can't believe it's going to hit 108F (42.2C) on Sunday.  There will be no riding for us.

We did ride Monday.  It was warm, but not brutal.  First time in almost a month, and we could tell we had been off the bikes for awhile.  It was pleasant by the lake.  There is a new camp host with a large US flag, with its own solar light so he can leave it out at night.  I don't get why people feel compelled to show the flag all the time, especially the guys in the pick up trucks with the flag poles stuck in the stake pockets. 

This guy was heading out to fish.  He had a gallon of water for him, a bucket of water for the fish, fishing gear and a chair.  That's a person powered vehicle.

Winter of 2022-2023 there was a cold snap of epic proportions.  It was zero or less for about a week.  Several of the neighbors lost mature bushes.  Our neighbor the arborist suspects that the Rose of Sharon plants were damaged in that cold period.  They are only marginally hardy in this climate, so it's not surprising.  These are terrible pictures, but if you look closely, you can see some leaves, and then other branches with no leaves.

This is the other one.  It's looking very sad.

There is new growth at the bottom of the plant.  Maybe there is hope for these things.  I'm not going to dig them up just yet.

I've been running a slow hose on them for an hour every day, trying to breathe some life into them.  This is another plant I don't understand why people plant them here.

We had the yearly home owners' meeting recently.  The Firewise guy came to talk about urban fire danger.  One of the things they're stressing is think about what you choose to plant near your house; things like arborvitae, junipers and firs are a bad idea.  They go up like torches.  We put a juniper in the front yard in 2022, never occurred to me that it was a bad idea.  It has since grown like a weed.  We're on the fence about taking it out.  The surviving arborvitae in the back yard would have to be dug up by people we pay, they're old, have giant root balls, and they're too big for the elderly to remove.  It's always something.

The hydrangeas are a bright spot in the yard.

Here is the republican candidate yesterday at the RNC convention.  What do you notice?

Later he came out with a bandage on his boo-boo.  Today Eric Trump said that his father required no stitches what so ever.  Grazed by a bullet my dying ass.  Local police have said that all bullets have been recovered, and that the orange menace was hit by flying glass. 

Apparently the MAGA people have discovered that JD Vance is married to an immigrant from India, and they're fairly shocked and dismayed.  Nick Fuentes is quite upset about this, he feels that white people are currently under attack, and mixed marriages are one of the ways white people are being replaced.  Such lovely people.  Video is here if you want to watch him discuss this.

On the medical front, here is an amazing article.  I did not know this, leukemia can now be treated with immunotherapy.  Glioblastoma, a hard tumor that is invariably fatal, has been treated in three people in a new study.  Basically they remove T cells from your blood, gene edit them to go kill the tumor and inject them into your head.  It's not ready for prime time, and won't be for some time, but it's a technical miracle that any progress has been made on this front.  It's a long read, but it's written in regular English and is very interesting.

That's it, that's all I have to say.


  1. That person powered vehicle looks just the thing for hot weather!
    That plant is trying not dying.

    Yes...and with a small scratch on your ear you bleed like the proverbial.....

  2. When you have to say, I'm not a racist, you're probably a racist. Although with this guy, there's no probably, he is definitely a fucking racist. What year is this again? It's sickening to listen to him.

    Some of my patients have used that CAR T therapy and it's worked.

  3. Love the image of the brain yearning to break free of the vessel carrying it. Vietnam vets have an unusual rate of Glioblastoma , maybe that is why there has been enough research and experimentation done-.
    The ear pillow
    GONE- wow he is a fast healer! like jesus himself! Glory be!!!
    Waiting for stem cell macular degeneration research to take off- preferably before I die.

    1. The flag thing- I think they need it to remind them what country they live in...Easy to forget...

    2. looked up the photo it was a couple of years ago that it was taken.

  4. Is that boat powered by oars or hands?

  5. it must have been the angel shaped like an American flag that MTG saw hovering over the Orange Menace that healed him so quickly! Vance is just about the worst pick for VP. a real woman hater.

    just prune off the dead branches on the altheas (rose of sharon). they are putting out a lot of new growth and should be fine as long as you don't have another long dip into extreme cold weather. as for the arborvitae, can't you just prune it to the ground and keep any new growth pruned off? it will eventually die that way.

  6. I believe similar treatments are in the works for a variety of cancers, and they're looking very promising in trials. There are gene-therapy treatments for colon and breast cancer as well, involving mobilizing the body's immune cells against tumors.

    I hope your rose-of-sharon bushes leaf out again! If that wood is still alive it seems almost certain they will.

    It seems so ironic that Nick Fuentes is a white supremacist, given that many of his fellow supremacists might look askance at his Hispanic last name. One of the many reasons white supremacy is so ridiculous -- what IS white, anyway?!

  7. IQ45 showing off his wound for all to the Emperor's new clothes.
    Great news about the new therapies for the cancers. One of my co-workers died of glioblastoma when he was only 47. It was tough as he fought it as hard as he could, seeking treatment in the US as well as Canada.
    Good luck with the various trees and bushes!

  8. WOW 108 in your State is abnormal, no wonder the Natural World is stressing out and can't take it... we had Saguaro Cacti exploding in Arizona due to our abnormal high Heat and we're used to high triple digit temps... just not this high nor this prolonged. As for 45, I thought the whole thing was Staged, too much did not line up about how it all even looked on the TV Footage of it. Yes, people were killed, so it wasn't faked, just Staged to look like he was a Martyr... IMO, and I heard his Ear got clipped by shattered glass... which wasn't surprising since everyone directly behind him on Stage didn't have Bullet injury or Death, only those several Bleachers above him. Even the Shooter, very Odd what explanations from an Investigation are wheeling out, my bullshit meter keeps going off every time they talk about it. As for the MAGA World being aghast about the VP Choice's Wife... it's very hit and miss with those Supremacists in actuality... Fuentes, I wonder how he explains away his Hispanic Surname to his MAGA Supremacist cronies? There are many in their ranks that aren't Lily White, America isn't very Homogenous and hasn't been a single 'Race' ever so it's a ludicrous concept of the MAGA to attempt to "Make America White Again"... since, it was never White in the first place. But, you are dealing with a Cult that has no reason or logic behind most of their Extremist views.

  9. I love your hydrangea! I have heard on the news that it has been an amazing year for hydrangeas in the northeast, but even down here in the southeast I've seen some of the best displays ever. Just the perfect temp/precip conditions, I suppose. I have two hydrangeas on order now to install in the fall and am hoping for good conditions next year.
