Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Dead Trees and the Olympics

Greetings People of Earth.  Did you see VP Harris at her rally in Atlanta?  She filled a stadium of very enthusiastic people.  The campaign of the orange menace has to be concerned.  He doesn't get that many people, and they're not dancing in the aisles.  Lordy I hope she wins.

Today, the guy that wrote Project 2025 for the menace was forced to step down.  Somehow this is supposed to convince us that this is not part of the republican world view.  It's getting a lot more attention on twitter, hopefully the right wing women will see it and think maybe they don't want this for their future.

We have not been all that interesting as of late.  Ride the bike, pull the weeds, cut down the arborvitae, stuff like that.  The arborvitae died deader than a door knob while we were in Tucson.  Most of them died slowly, but this one just went toes up over three weeks.  When we got home it looked like this.

Using the reciprocating saw and the loppers, we were able to take it down, cut it up and get all of it in the yard waste container.  Now we have this.  Since the roots are still there, we can't plant anything.  There is also another stump just to the right, which we have buried in rocks.  Life has been hard for that hedge.

Here we have a young turkey.  I think the next door kids scared him to death.  They like to run circles around the house screaming.  Turkeys do not usually sit on our deck railing.

Some of the Oympics have been good.  Go HERE and you can see USA women get the first medal ever in Rugby.  It was an astonishing finish.  Go HERE to see the pommel horse routine that allowed team (men) USA to get their first gymnastics medal in 16 years.  Simone Biles had a very good Olympics.

Here we have another USA gymnast who is poetry in motion.

That's it, that's all I have to say about things.


  1. I caught part of her speech ..one good thing about being awake at 3am with the radio on low...the bad thing....hearing the Orange one's speech to a christian gathering.... Like she said, "say it to my face"....

    Don't young turkeys look prehistoric... definitely dinosaurial !!!

  2. DonOLD is just seething with jealousy and has, true to form, resorted to calling her names and lying. We had the Olympics on while my brother and sister in law were here (they left yesterday) because he wanted to watch so I got to see Simone Biles and Suni Lee. I was a little amused about their hair buns. they had the same style and Suni's was slicked down, not a hair out of place, and Simone's had loose hair sticking out all over.

    so I read the Heritage Society was pulling their Project 2025 out of the public view because people are rightly outraged by their plans. it's still out there, they've just renamed it Agenda 47. it's the same thing but this way DonOLD can deny having anything to do with P 2025.

  3. I've been enjoying the Olympics too. Our Canadians did well in the Rugby 7's winning silver. I've never watched it before and have no clue how they score the game but it was fun to watch. Our men's gymnastics team made it to the team finals, though they didn't medal, and that's a first in many, many years.
    I'll keep an eye out for Kamala Harris' speech on social media. I love how she is pushing back against IQ45's inane comments. But in such a way, that he's having fits - calling him weird is genius.

  4. I dug out a dying shrub over the past week. OMG those roots just about killed me but I wanted to plant some natural grasses in the spot to I had to get it out. Job done.
    We watched Kamala Harris's rally last night. I like her. She's not insane, a refreshing change for American politics:) I also like that she doesn't pull punches and calls a predator a predator.

  5. That poor turkey looks traumatized! LOL! Too bad about the arborvitae -- I remember when you cut that other one out, I think. And yes, I did see that the 2025 guy quit -- but as you implied, that doesn't mean the Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party aren't still using it as a road map.

  6. The young turkey steals the show! Gold medal for that one! The dead stumps look like an artist's opportunity- a fairy village? Pretty sure that is right up your alley, haha. They really are nasty trees we have found. We now have Portugese laurel growing- it grows quickly and beautifully- a nice dense barrier!

  7. Kamala and the Olympics; must see TV! Tumpy seems disconcerted. I think he will stick with Vance, though. As he said, "The only one who liked me."

  8. Poor turkey! I am enamored with Suni Lee; she is just lovely, and her backstory of swelling up and gaining 40 lbs with a kidney disorder was compelling. Glad she is healthy now and able to compete! I also loved the "Clark Kent" male gymnast - he was top-shelf with perfect nerdy appeal. Go Kamala!

  9. I hope the Positive Energy Kamala's Campaign keeps steamrolling forward as his backwards political theater diminishes into obscurity, where it belongs. The plants and the wildlife look withered. Phoenix made CNN the other day as the Hottest City in the World for the last Two Consecutive Years and Climate Change incrementally expected to worsen. Already out heat related Deaths in the City have quadrupled to around 700 a Summer now... mostly the Young, the Elderly and of coarse the exploding Homeless populations. We really do need a Younger Leader with Vision to do Positive things so future generations actually have a future.
