Sunday, July 21, 2024

Chick in the Well, Biden Stepped Down

This is a quail chick in the window well.  It's amazing how fast those little guys can run and how much noise they can make.  I was downstairs and could hear him hollering for help.  The parents were in the area, making anxious noises.  Unmute, if it's muted.  He'll be running right to left, you may have to play it a couple of times to pick up the movement.

As you all know by now, Biden stepped down from the presidential race.  The rat bastard billionaire donors forced him out by withholding money.  Mike Johnson, the evangelical taliban Speaker of the House, is on record as saying they're not going to allow ballot changes, and thus the orange menace will run unopposed.  So, young women, I say to you, stock up on Plan B today.

I am so depressed I can't see straight.


  1. Robert Kennedy Jnr is still standing....I did think that he may split the democratic vote, but if this is the case, and the ballot can't be changed.....

  2. I don't know enough about the US electoral process, but I have read that Joe Biden had not yet been named the Democratic candidate, that this would happen at the upcoming convention. If that is the case, wouldn't the candidate chosen (as IQ45 was at RNC) be on the ballot? Fingers crossed!

  3. I don't see how Johnson can do that since the Dems haven't nominated anyone yet--that happens at the convention.

  4. Johnson is full of shit. he cannot keep the democrat nominee off any ballots. until the democrat convention, there is no official nominee, doesn't matter who won the primaries. and yeah the big money donors threw Biden under the bus and too many democrats helped toss him completely ignoring the will of the people. my fear is they won't unite behind Harris and throw the whole thing into chaos. we already rejected all the other contenders, at least let us have the other person we voted for. Assholes.

  5. Ellen has summed it up, but nothing would surprise me at this point. Looks like Trump's "near death" experience has not made him a different man after all. He is still intent on insulting everyone and calling them crazy. Complete asshole!

  6. Yeah, I think Ellen is right -- that's an empty threat from Johnson.

    Poor little quail! Those window wells are really treacherous for wildlife, aren't they? I hope you were able to get him/her out!

  7. Were you able to rescue the little quail? Poor creature! Fortunately, it seems that the troops are rallying around Harris, and of course she'll be on the ballot. I read many polls saying that a plurality of Dems preferred Biden to step down, but no one asked me, so I am not sure how they knew that. That said, I think he did the right thing for the country. We need someone energetic and with full faculties to take on Trump. I love Joe and felt badly for him, but he's not the same man he was four years ago, and I think he would have lost. Harris may lose as well, but I think she has a better chance than Biden would have. I've already read that the younger voters, plus Blacks and Latinos, are rallying around Harris. That can only be a good thing. Biden had the older whites, but that's not enough to be Trump, since he has a lot of them as well.

    1. to *beat Trump, not to "be" him (horrors!)
