Friday, July 19, 2024

The Day of the Big Outage and Project 2025

Apparently, Crowd Strike, some sort of computing security entity, pushed an update all over the world, to Windows servers and laptops/desktops.  This has resulted in the dreaded BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH.  Airlines have had to institute ground stops, 22,000 flights are cancelled world wide, hospitals are affected, point of sale terminals are not working, people are having to revert to cash.  South West Airlines is still operating because they're slow to update their systems.  As you no doubt recall, in December 2022, South West had a huge work stoppage due to antiquated systems that could not locate pilots and get them where they were needed.  They took a huge amount of criticism for being behind on technology.  Who is laughing now?  

I just read this on twitter: Apparently all the republicans are stuck in Milwaukee and can't get home due to all the cancelled flights due to the CloudStrike issues.  Ha, ha, double hah!

This is from twitter, its satire, but it's funny.

This is why it's so terrible.  The fix is to reboot to safe mode, find one particular file somewhere, and delete it.  Most people at work are not allowed to do this, and don't know how to do it, anyway.

And then there is this.

Apparently the acceptance speech of the orange menace did not go so well.  The first twenty minutes were ok, he stayed on the topic of unity.  Then he went off piste and launched into attacks on Nancy Pelosi, building the wall, he can end wars with a phone call, he defeated ISIS and etc. etc.  Still no information has been made on the shooter, extent of the injuries, nothing; it's like it never happened to him.

Task and Purpose, a military oriented website has done an excellent piece on what the far right wants to do to the military.  They want the Navy to grow from 292 to 355 ships.  They want more F35s. 60 to 80 more per month, actually. One does have to wonder where all the money for this is going to come from given the tax cuts they are pushing. They're going down to the level of Marine infantry squads and specifying who should lead them.  All transgendered people are out day one.  There will be no more paid travel for women to get reproductive health care of any kind. It's an amazing document, ginned up by a bunch of pointy heads in a think tank somewhere.  You can read the article here.

We did ride yesterday.  We were on the bikes at 8:40 am.  Not bad for us.  There is a drive to the trail head to that takes time.  The mill foil is in bloom.  There is a sign up saying they're going to poison the lake, I guess to try to kill it. 

When we got back from the optometrist yesterday, we saw this deer and two babies.  The babies ran off, but she looked at us for a while.  The babies are past the white spot stage.

Other than whining about the heat, I have not too much to say about things.


  1. Geez, we have set ourselves up for FAIL!!! I keep cash on hand (and in the mattress) I keep my gas car. I do not listen to anything RUMP because what is the damned point. We are in big trouble . The GOP ( christian far right) have a fine set up- been building it for years and all of sudden we are caught off guard?

  2. I'm not thinking about anything for at least twenty four hours.

  3. That is a lovely deer- ours are more scruffy and rough looking.
    The dreaded blue screen has not affected us- out of sight out of mind but it a rather terrifying thing to have happen- especially for hospitals . They need a back up satellite.

  4. When I went to the museum yesterday morning I couldn't buy an entry ticket because of the CrowdStrike thing. But weirdly, by the time lunch rolled around, everything was up and running again. So however the reset has to be done, they managed to do it within a couple of hours.

    Conservative think tanks are the "Dark Satanic Mills" of the modern age.

  5. glad I'm an Apple girl and still use cash and all my appliances are very old.That fucker Trump plagiarizes Biden's unity speech and then goes off on his hateful divisive rhetoric. new gentler more compassionate Trump? to quote you, ha, ha, double hah! I also read he was very muted and lackluster. he did not look good in images from the RNC. I read one medical professional who would know said the nick in his ear did not even need a single stitch. that Project 2025 is horrendous. the owner of Hobby Lobby supports it and says the nation needs to be governed by christianity, heavy on the repression part.

  6. We weren't affected here by the blue screen, but I am laughing at the thought of the GOP wandering around Milwaukee and freaking over the cancelled flights. Perhaps they could give IQ45 a do-over. :p No thanks!
    I foresee how they will pay for the increased military by reducing benefits to those who can least afford it. It's alway seems to be that way with right wing governments. It is what our potential (and likely) Prime Minister after the 2025 election has planned for us.

  7. I lost internet connection for the TV, computer and Alexa. I dug an old radio out of the basement so I could listen to that. I think I may buy a nicer radio, just in case.
    The orange POS remains a POS sadly. The election and the rhetoric is getting scarier and scarier though. Did you ever read "The Handmaid's Tale"? Prescient in some ways.

    1. I did read it, and she was right. So happy to be post-menopausal.

  8. Mama Deer looks like Yard Art she's so perfect! Project 2025 is scary stuff and the majority of people are so checked out they are clueless about what it could mean if implemented by The Lunatic Fringe and those whose Wet Dream it all is. The Hair Furor couldn't help himself and I'm just surprised he stayed on a scripted faux Unity Message for 20 Minutes... I doubt he's been able to be Handled by his Handlers for 20 whole Minutes ever?! *LOL* The whole Assassination Attempt is still so suspect to me, so, yeah, except for to the Families who actually had a Victim of it, it's like it never happened... just like they wanted to pretend Jan. 6th never happened, or the Peaceful transfer of Power. The Denial runs so deep it's like the Base has selective Amnesia whenever it suits them and Bad Press is better than No Press to the ones in their Food Chain manipulating it all. I am very concerned about November and how bad it will get regardless of the outcome of the Election... things went past critical mass quite some time ago and a reboot to come back to Center is doubtful with how divisive it's become. The PC Outages is a precursor to all that can and will go wrong when we've become so reliant upon Technology. Even a Dinosaur like me has become more dependent upon it than I like. I go thru Blog Withdrawal if I can't do this on The Regular. *Le Sigh and Winks*

  9. We were not affected by the outage; thank the gods we aren't traveling right now, and I guess none of our computers are smart enough to have been affected, though we are on Windoze (10 for me, 11 for hubby). It is pretty funny that the RNC all had travel problems. ;-)
