Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 13, 2024 Shooting

Well, the print press, TV media and twitter are all going crazy about the attempt on the life of the orange menace.  Current consensus seems to be that his ear was not hit by a bullet, but rather by glass from the teleprompter being shattered.  I have no facts or data, but that makes sense to me.  Seems like a bullet fired from an AR15 would have done more damage.  But what do I know.  Sadly, there was a death by gun fire in the audience.

What is interesting is the response of the secret service.  Since I can't figure out how to imbed video from twitter, you'll have to CLICK THIS LINK to watch the footage of how Secret Service acted after the shooting of Ronald Reagan.  He later said that he thought SS had broken his ribs after they pushed him to the ground.

Compare and contrast that response to this, CLICK THIS LINK to play what happened yesterday.  You can hear him saying "wait wait" so he can position himself with the fist bump, followed by a straight arm salute.  Oddly enough, his shoes were left on the stage.  

From twitter we see the following.

Also weird is that roof tops with a clear line of sight to the stage were uncontrolled.  People in the audience saw the shooter, and told the police and Secret Service that there was a guy on the roof with a gun.  There was no response to that.

Here is the damaged ear in question. 

Predictably, the media puts its own weird spin on the event.

This did not need to be said, especially by a DEI expert.  Really people.

Finally, the New York Times did something right.

Republicans are calling for the prosecution of President Biden for "causing" the shooter to act, others are actually saying Biden ordered the hit.  They never miss an opportunity to be stupid and wrong.


  1. I still think it all looked highly suspicious and suspect, Staged comes to mind. Since Terrorists, Domestic and Foreign, often commit violent acts with collateral damage to their own if they think it is beneficial to their Cause and Agenda. The Far Rights response, rather than Dial Back violent rhetoric and vitriol, has escalated it further... my Case rests. The Shooter was registered as one of their own, and very Young, Extremists often target the Young to recruit to do their dirtiest work... and indoctrinate. Militant Groups do it all the time and send them out on Suicide Missions. Some are saying it couldn't be 'fake', but, 'Staged' is different than 'fake'... you can Stage something very Real... but this didn't even seem particularly convincing for a slew of reasons that most people's Bullshit Meter went off on right away. Was that not the calmest Crowd behind him, even after they realized what was going on, sipping drinks and looking at their Phones as he was fist bumping and mouthing fight fight fight after an alleged near death experience? He's the Camp that is always spewing retribution, revenge and extreme violence... so, whatever REALLY happened, any way you cut it, was invited and fostered by what he and his devoted have initiated and fanned the flames of. Any Head Case indoctrinated or radicalized enuf can be weaponized to react to it, which is the Political Climate this has become and there is no bottom to the depths it's all sunk to already and we all know it... so, his was no Surprise.

  2. There is something quite odd about the whole situation, and whether or not it was staged, there must be questions about how a single gunman was able to make his way to a rooftop so close by AND how was it that the Secret Service was so quickly able to neutralize him after the shots were fired. The timing just seems to be off.

  3. And the shooter now found to be republican...hmm

  4. I just can't believe this was a staged event. That's too far-fetched, in my book. I read that the Secret Service agents were pleading with Trump to get off the stage and he was resisting them to give his stupid fist salute, which might explain why portions of his body were left exposed. There will be persistent questions about that rooftop and why it was left unguarded or accessible. I hadn't heard the thing about the glass from the teleprompter possibly causing the injury. Maybe it deflected the bullet?

  5. There are so many questions and way too much unknown. The one thing I do know is that the media has been restrained on its coverage of Trump and now he's back at the top of the page again. And to top things off, that biased judge in Florida has dismissed his documents case. Unbelievable. Who says no one is above the law?

  6. I've been avoiding the news because I had more immediate concerns to worry over but I understand the MAGAts are incensed that the left is basically unconcerned by this 'attack' on Trump. Where is the outrage! Quite frankly we are tired of Trump and his hateful and violent rhetoric. they get what they give...thoughts and prayers (not even that), time to move on. apparently they thought their chickens would not come home to roost so of course they are blaming Biden. they blame him and accuse him of everything they do.

    as for the NYT, too fucking little too fucking late. I guess all the cancellations finally made them sit up and notice. and yeah, seems a bullet would have caused far more damage and I'd like to know what the line of sight was from shooter's gun to Trump that it would have just grazed his ear. that would have to be some pretty damn precise trajectory.
