Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Spanish Fork, Utah to Butte, Montana

Today's journey started in Spanish Fork, UT and ended in Butte, MT.  It was a long drive, but not terrible.  We hit morning rush hour in Salt Lake City, but they have a transit lane for cars with 2 or more people.  Apparently people in Salt Lake don't like to car pool, there were few people in the lane.  Most of the way through the megalopolis, we were cruising at 80.  That was good.  

The route goes through northern Utah, southern Idaho, and into Montana.  Parts of Montana are pretty.  Southern Idaho is not lovely.  Here are some pictures of the route.  The first photo is what we were looking at most of the day.

We are at the Best Western in Butte.  This is absolutely positively the LAST time we will be staying in a Best Western.  The one we were in two nights ago was bad, this is also bad.  Internet is really slow, it's about 40 seconds to load a photo.  Without going into a lot of detail, I will just say we hate this hotel, we're never coming back, and Best Westerns in general are off the table.

Tomorrow we're back in Spokane, where it is a hundred degrees.


  1. Your drive hurts me. Remembering ...Car trips were the worst, I still hate them. You tow are champions of the road, I swear! 100 here today highest ever!

    1. Do you have air conditioning? It didn't used to be a thing in the PNW, now it is. Our house in Spokane was retrofitted with A/C. Sadly, we did not leave it turned on when we left for Tucson. Tomorrow is the last day, I miss my house and my stuff.

  2. What a lot of driving! I'm good for a few hours but after that I'd be exhausted and need to stop for a day or two.
    Safe travels the rest of the way!

  3. Welcome home you two. Hard to believe the Pacific Northwest is hotter than NYC. And believe me, we are sweltering here, but to you, our humid 90s would be a relief. My daughter gets married in two weeks and the projected forcast is high 90s with rain. All will be well. That is my determined mantra at the moment. Because it does seem to me that the Dems are doing their level best to damage their ticket. But don't get me started.
