Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Butte, Montana to Spokane, Washington

We are back.  It is 103F (39.4C), with more humidity than Tucson.  It's so uncomfortable.  Because we did not anticipate this weather, we left for Tucson with the air conditioning turned off.   The house is just heat soaked.  It's been running all day, and the thermostat is still showing 83F.  I have my little fan pointed at my feet.

Today was Butte, MT to Spokane.  We are not that fond of Butte, we think.  As I previously posted, we are done with the Best Western motel chain.  We are also not fond of crossing the Bitteroot mountains.  There is much up down, and twisty roads.  It seemed like the entire stretch of road in Montana had construction going on.  In places, they had the old road completely torn out, down to dirt, so I suspect the project may take awhile.

Visually, it was nicer than yesterday.  I have a few photos.  Unfortunately, I have no idea where they were taken.

In the time we were gone, the yard has sprouted giant weeds.  We have thistles!  We've never seen those before.  So, in the morning, before it is hot, there will be sitting on the ground with weed stickers uprooting the little devils.  My mandevilla has put out foliage, but quit blooming.  My double blossom impatiens is scorched, and that pot is also full of weeds.  I think there will be at least one eviction.  So, back to normal now, we will get back on the bikes and live a healthier life style.


  1. Glad you made it back safely. Reading your trip report, I really don't miss road tripping. I do miss some of the places we stayed and had great bike rides, but the road in between, whether in a car or an RV, not. I am surprised you didn't leave the AC on in Spokane, set at 80 or 85 at least. I know it is an extra expense, but living in the humid south, we'd come home to mold and mildew if we traveled and didn't do that. It's different in the arid parts of the US, I realize! We have had the hottest summer on record so far, so I do feel your pain.

    1. We had such a cold spring it just did not occur to us that it would get that hot. Live and learn.

  2. Good to hear you're home safe and sound from your long trip. Weeds, the bane of my existence. Like you, I spend some time each morning digging and pulling those suckers. The yard is a good size, and the weeds grow a few inches every day. It does make it easier to find them among the flower beds, but harder to remove!
