We're tired! Tuesday we took out a giant Barberry that was intent on world domination. I do not, and will not ever understand the thinking of the previous owners when it came to planting giant bushes and trees close to the house or to each other. Our most excellent neighbor was out Tuesday morning pulling a tree out of his front yard with a webbing strap and his pick up truck. I asked him if maybe he would like to pull out the Barberry, and he said sure. It's pretty cool, put strap around base of trunk, let truck pull it out.
It's been cut back twice this year, but it keeps on growing. The wood is bright yellow, which is weird. Neighbor came back with his chain saw and cut off the root ball, and then chunked up the top section of the bush.
There was a lot of vegetation to deal with. We borrowed a neighbor's yard waste container and filled it and ours on Tuesday.

The two cans took care of about 2/3 of the bush, this morning yard waste was collected, and then we went out and cleaned up the rest of the corpse. It is so nice to have this done and have that wretched bush removed. Timing was good, it started raining Tuesday afternoon, all night, and all day yesterday.
So much better now that it's gone.
Last night was the first night we turned on the furnace. It was really damp and cold. Yes, I know cold is relative, but I was cold.
I read an alarming article by Thom Hartmann this morning. It's a really long read, but worth it. He describes in detail what the orange ectoplasm has in mind to do if he's re-elected. It is absolutely necessary that this does not happen. A short form was on twitter today.
I'm not sure how they get around the fact that most of those federal workers are unionized, but I guess they believe they'll think of something.
Well, there is dinner to be made, so I think I will not talk about the trials and the fact that Mark Meadows perjured himself when he said he was not involved in the fake electors scandal and I really hope he gets charged with perjury on top of everything else.