Welcome to yet another gargantuan posting. I can not believe how time just jets along here. We're already seeing a decrease in the number of RVs in the park as people load the wagons and return to the frozen tundra that is the north. It's also the season of love - for the pigeons. They've been on top of many RVs displaying for the girls and hoping to get lucky.

The worst thing they do is get under the slide toppers and build nests and poop. Pigeons poop tons of poop. We got swimming noodles and cut them into sections to block off access to the space under our slide toppers. It's really awful when they poop on top of the slide and then the rubber gaskets get covered in it when you retract the slide. This park needs more hawks.

This is Jim's Market. A couple bought the building about this time last year and converted it into their home. I like that they did not repaint the exterior. It's been here for a long time.

It's spring! See the spring flowers along the edge of our patio? They're from Michael's, no watering is required.

As previously promised, here are the pictures of our most recent welding. The bar on the right (the one coming toward you) is original, and was not up to the task of supporting the receiver. The bar on the left is the new bar that runs the width of the RV. See the plate in the back with the wiggly seam? The part of the plate to the left of the wiggly seam is new. There are new cross pieces between the bars that run the width of the RV, since it's all tied together, it should provide for less movement of the bike rack.

This is the same new 2 inch receiver as before, but now it has an anti wobble device on it. See the collar looking thing with the screws? That helps prevent motion of the rack due to slack within the receiver. So, we've done what we can with the welding and the anti-wobble. Now we're on the trail of a camera that will allow us to spy on the bicycles while we're in transit. I posted a request for recommendations on the RV forum on the Trailer Life website. It's just amazing how many stupid replies I got. If people can't add to the discussion, then they just shouldn't be allowed access to the internet. La Mesa RV says they install them, so we're going to see what they have to install.

Tucson remains just a dot to the left of center. It's not a smaller version of the Phoenix megalopolis, it's just different. This used to be a pink buffalo on the building roof, with gold wings. Now it's a patriotic buffalo on a sail boat on a building roof.

Friday we rode to the Lost Barrio for coffee at Tooley's. We were able to sit outside, it was very pleasant to linger and chat with the folks from Winnipeg. After coffee we went across the street and looked in some of the stores. These horses are from India, the lady in the store thought they might be temple horses, but was not sure.

This is a different shop with more interesting home decorating stuff. The shopkeeper there had been standing in the doorway with a hand full of burning material that was reminiscent of incense. She made a salute to the day with it, and finished with a brisk statement of "well! that's
much better". I wish I'd had the camera out for that.

Saturday was pretty cool. There's going to be an air show at Davis-Monthan in two weeks. There are many planes in the air flying and practicing. We saw an amazing F15 flight. I tried to take pictures, but he was too far away. I got this picture through the windshield of the truck. Left to right the planes are: P51 Mustang (WWII), F16 Falcon (1974 first flight, currently in service), F4E Phantom (Vietnam era), and the F22 Raptor (currently in service). Pretty cool, seeing them fly in an echelon.

So we rode Fantasy Island Saturday. I fell. It was just stupid. There's a small wash that I went in at a bad angle. Instead of riding up the section of the wash that forms a ramp to exit, I hit a vertical wash wall, and the bike just stopped. I'm going to have a spectacular bruise on my left hip, which will be photo worthy (
The photo is at the bottom of the post, stop reading after the breakfast picture if you don't want to see). After the fall, we continued on for 14 or so miles. Christmas Tree Loop was fun, it's a short loop but has several whoop-de-doos that are steep enough to be fun, but are not terrifying.
The desert has greened up a bunch with all the rain we've been having.

Today was a mass ride to breakfast at the Rincon Market. Riding in was very nice, with sunshine and pleasantness. Coming back was not as pleasant, there is a storm coming in bringing wind, rain and snow in the mountains. How much longer must I suffer with these storms? Where is my snowbird rebate?????????????

Here is a picture of the bruise taken on Sunday. It's not that colorful yet, but it's interesting how much definition was left by the seam in my bike shorts. It speaks to the amount of tissue juice is still floating around in there.
So other than that, we have nothing of major import to report.