Saturday, May 2, 2020

Bad Symbols

Would someone like to explain to me why SWASTIKAS are making an appearance at the protests against the lock downs?  Did we or did we not fight a long, protracted and painful war against everything that symbol stood for? 

Look at this picture.  White men with AR-15s.  Trump's name on a flag with a swastika.  The Confederate flag, the flag of slavery with an AR-15 on it, flying next to a Trump/Pence flag.  And then there is the yelling guy, totally unconcerned with anyone else's health and welfare if he's infected.

What the hell has happened to people in this country?


  1. I'm ashamed of Michigan. And very, very sad that one old lady's disapprobation will not change a single mind.

  2. And that sign that stood over the entrance to Auschwitz. Who is funding these protests? The holocaust’s ugly sequel is playing out before our eyes. Hate has been emboldened and funded too. It’s sickening.

  3. The scary world just gets scarier. Stupid, mean-spirited people encouraged by stupid, mean-spirited leaders who hold tremendous authority.

  4. It's frightening. I honestly can't believe some of the things I'm seeing.

  5. Just the fact that nazis support Trump should be reason enough for everyone else to do everything in their power to get him out of office. Horrific!
