Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hot, Birds and Agaves

It was hot today.  Summer is back for awhile.  Fortunately we ran the irrigation system this morning and checked on all of the bubblers.  Some of them were closed.  We're not sure how that happened, but they're open now.  Even the drought tolerant plants enjoy some water in the summer.  After that we extended a line by the palm trees so the water would quit running off the side of a berm.

After sprinkler maintenance there was a restorative trip to the pool.  When we decided to buy a house there was a lot of discussion about having a pool, vs. having access to a pool.  Access won out.  It costs a fortune to heat a pool in the winter, and if it's not heated, it's only used in the summer.  However, it has to be maintained all the time.  There were three ladies laying out in the sun, in 90 degree heat, tanning.  It's so weird to see this, they did it at the RV park, too.  People would lay there, repositioning their lounge chairs to be in line with the sun.  We were in the pool wearing hats and sunglasses.  I don't put my head in the water due to the hole in my left ear drum.

Yesterday we had a lizard on the wall.  He sat there for quite some time.

This morning there was a dove on the agave.

The oriole was back, as well.  He's sort of a mean bird, he chases other birds off the flower spike.

Two little birds in the wash.

The agave down the street continues to open its flowers.  The hummingbird is happy about this.

Now I'm going to talk about that man.  Feel free to click away if you're tired of it.

He told the Intelligence Community to give Barr whatever he wants to see, so that Barr can investigate the "spying" on the campaign.  Barr can declassify anything.  He said to the press that he was making everything public, he was just that transparent.  One of those things may be an informant in the Kremlin, Putin would love that.  Do we actually think the the president wants to identify this person - so Putin can have him killed?  How far over the edge has he gone?  DNI Dan Coates has made it pretty clear he's not giving up anything about sources or methods.  At this point it's unlikely that any other country, other than Israel, will share intelligence with the US.   Why on earth would they ever trust us again?  He's using emergency powers to sell billions of dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia so they can continue bombing Yemen back into the stone age.  Congress denied those sales, he's doing it anyway.  Someone doctored a video of Speaker Pelosi, making her appear drunk, he retweeted it.

Then today, from Japan, he tweeted this.

What is he talking about?  Japan was very disturbed by the missile testing.  They have a lot of skin in this game.  Does he really not know how to spell the former Vice President's name?  All other presidents have followed the rule that when in a foreign country, American politics are not discussed.  I guess he did not get that memo.

I'm not sure democracy can withstand four more years of this.


  1. We are already changed for the worse. Why won't facebook delete an obviously false video. It's like Zuckerberg works for Putin. Nothing makes sense. It's like drowning in blood. I don't know, Allison. We can go on and on, to what avail. We must breathe in and breathe out, until the next election.

  2. I was hoping to would be cooler this year with all the rain. Heading your way in July. My watering system seems to have the same problem, only mostly it's because of hard water. Love your critter pictures!!

  3. Love all the birds. The oriole may be mean but he sure is a looker! Are those little birds in the wash some kind of finch?

    Ugh...Trump. He fact that he can't spell Joe Biden's name right tells us all we need to know. Such a blazing idiot.

    1. They have got to be goldfinches. I am thinking Lesser Goldfinches.

  4. this country can't withstand even the year and a half left of this term. every day he destroys something else. did you see the ad from his re-election committee? it's Memorial Day, time to honor our soldiers and show respect for our dead so we're giving you 25% off all MAGA and Trump merchandise!

    1. Mercifully, I did not see that ad. It doesn't surprise me.

  5. I don't understand why the things he does and says are acceptable to so many voters.

  6. oh Allison, thank you for speaking about the man and saying everything I want to say but cant bring myself just yet to type. It takes so much energy to try to be coherent about what is happening, because it makes so little sense, is so very dangerous, and sometimes is so extreme as to feel not just surreal, but also unreal. I do fear we may be in for four more years, because I have no faith whatsoever that the election wont be hacked—again. But we must vote and do what we can in our respective corners to shift the consciousness of the planet. It sounds like an awesome big task. But then i remember a tibetan monk i once interviewed saying to change the world we have only to change ourselves, and then it doesn't feel quite so overwhelming. we must hold faith is the restoration of all that had been and is being broken. Thank you for bearing witness. Thank you, too, for the hummingbird in this post. Hummingbirds are considered to be healers, and bringers of love, good luck and joy.

  7. “This morning there was a dove on the agave.” is a perfect poem. This wh is terrifying and more terrifying each day. I am not sure who let slip the hounds of hell but they’re howling up the mountains right now.

  8. All of your bird photos are lovely, but I particularly like the one of the agave and hummingbird. You have an excellent eye for nature at its finest. And brain for democracy at its worst!
