Sunday, June 2, 2024

Wild Kingdom

It was grizzly today.  We started the day using the hedge trimmer on the hedge again.  We did the major shearing yesterday, but there were a couple of wows that needed to be fixed.  I got the protruding wows, but then made a new one that will have to grow out.  All in all, it looks pretty good and I am glad that is done.

We considered riding, but there was a high wind advisory (which never materialized) as well as rain in the forecast.  So we didn't.  I did a 20 minute spin class on Youtube.  It never ceases to amaze me how hard the spin bike is.  It does cross over to road bike, so that's good.  Here is the weather radar.  It's an amazingly big weather system.  The west side of the state is soaked.  We've had a few hours of gentle rain, which the grass is enjoying.

The rabbits are missing.  I don't know if they got tired of us going out and talking to them and asking them to eat the neighbor's grass, or if they've been eaten.  There are owls nesting in the area, so they could be eaten.  Here are their photos, we miss seeing them, but the grass is happy.

The marmots have discovered our yard.  They're another species who eat grass and flowers.  Our neighbor had a lot of something flowering on the hill behind his house and they ate all of it; he's pretty distressed.  Another neighbor is trapping them and taking them out to an area that hasn't been developed yet.  These guys were on the rocks this morning.

This afternoon we had a turkey come by.  It's odd to see just one, they're usually in groups.

So, that's it from suburbia - hedges and animals.


  1. Marmots look like a cross between a squirrel and a rabbit!

  2. You certainly have a variety of critters visiting. Maybe the rabbits decided the grass was greener elsewhere. 😀

  3. those marmots are so cute but I would not be happy if they ate my flowers. the only wildlife we get is possums, racoons, squirrels, and rarely foxes. we used to have rabbits but I haven't seen any since the whole town flooded back in 2017.

  4. I bought a smart trainer last winter and put my Trek Pilot on it - the same bike you used to have so many years ago. It's a permanent installation as I don't ride that bike on the road any more. Barry got a subscription to Fulgaz app, and we do their rides indoors over the winter and on rainy days, etc. It is definitely harder than riding on the road, to me, but a fantastic workout, and with a flatscreen TV and the Fulgaz rides, I've gotten to go all over the world, virtually, which is pretty cool. I mean, how many people can say they've ridden in Croatia, Australia, Panama, and Mallorca? ;-)

  5. Not currently pouring but VERY windy on the west side.

  6. Marmots are new to me. Had to look them up.

  7. Your rabbits came to our house!

  8. A lot of our local Wildlife got displaced from their Natural Habitat nearby when Investors bought up the Commercial Farmland all around us and are installing hideous Apartments and Subdivision Hells. So, they have now flocked to our Mini Farm Community and the large Catholic Cemetery across the Street, poor Things.

  9. I don't think I've ever seen a wild turkey. Your bunnies are so cute. The rabbits we have here are jackrabbits and they're large and fast, at least the live ones are:)

  10. You have quite a lot of wildlife roaming your area. They must be fun to watch as long as they aren't eating the plants.
