Friday, June 7, 2024

We Purchased a Winter Residence - Pending Inspection

The park model turned out to be a failed experiment.  It wasn't the park model itself, it was the local street racing at midnight, as well as being on the final approach course for the main runway of Tucson International and the 162nd Fighter Wing of the AZ Air National Guard. The 162nd flies F16s and they are loud! Freight train traffic has also increased since we were there in the RV.  The noise made it difficult to sleep.  We've been looking at houses for some time.  We're back in the old neighborhood that's as quiet as a tomb.  It came down to a three bedroom house with a den, or a small two bedroom.  We're going with the two bedroom because we're not ready to commit living there full time.  It's going to hit 110F (43.3C) on Friday.  It's a shorter term decision and we know it, but there you go.  Yes, we have, again, bought a house without seeing it.  This time we know the area it's in, unlike our current house.  We totally lucked out on location in Spokane through no fault of our own.  Here are a few pictures.

They are leaving a king and queen bed.  I'm really hoping they'll leave everything.  It does happen.  I've never had a red couch before.  Yes, the houses are close together.  However, we spent eleven years living in RV parks, and now a park model in an RV park, so we've mastered the art of not seeing the neighbors unless we want to.

So, we're pretty excited.  There will be a hot trip down to Tucson to get the bikes and the rowing machine out of the park model and get that on the market.  Someday we'll sell the Spokane house, but we're not ready to do that just yet.  Maybe never, given the rate at which global warming is going.

Speaking of which, this was on Twitter today.  Mexico is just getting hammered by the heat dome.

This is sea temperature rise, also impressive.

So, that's it for us.


  1. The desert during climate change when the world is on fire- not , one would think, first choice! Living on the subduction zone between two active volcanoes probably not the best choice either. The population here has grown into traffic jams , limited housing, as Texans and So. Cal moves in. No place to run , no place to hide. We will age in place, not because we love the weather here, or the crowds, but because we are too old to give a sh*t. Just kill me now!
    The house down yonder looks perfect! No heating bills...

  2. Looks a wise choice...and easy enough to move it on if you wish.

    Yes, we are in the red zone too... although low pressure systems have been holding us too and half the jet stream has been gifting us air from Greenland....four days of snow in the Highlands and here, hail, heavy rain showers, high winds and single digit ⁰C temperatures before you count windchill!

  3. It is definitely hot down here but I still prefer the desert to winter elsewhere. Your new house looks really fun. The red couch is certainly interesting.

  4. The new house looks nice, I love all the colours. Sigh, what to do? We're freezing our asses off this spring, the world is upside down and the hate meter is way up. We tried to watch "Civil War" last night but it was too close to the truth and we shut it off. We're fucked.

  5. Congratulations on the new property. You'll certainly have more space than in the park model and it sounds as if the neighbourhood will be more amenable.

  6. That is a darling house! It looks like a wonderful winter property, bright and airy, despite being small. I live in an apartment so that house looks quite spacious to me. You'll actually look forward to winter this year. Can you ask to purchase the furniture as well so the owners will leave everything?

    1. We can. Right now we're hoping she'll just abandon it, but later we can offer money.

  7. very nice little house! I'm not understanding what I'm seeing in the second picture though. the copper doorway opening into a foyer and the blue door is the exterior door? what is the purpose of that?

    1. Ellen, that copper door in the entry is a security door. The actual front door of the house is the blue one behind it. Since this neighborhood has many folks that only live there part time security doors like that one are common.

  8. I'd move there in a flash. But what adventurous souls you are.
    The weather news grows scarier and scarier. I'm happy to be in the center of Massachusetts.

  9. I love your peripatetic spirits! The house looks very promising. And now you can bring your potted agave back home to Arizona where it will no doubt be much happier. (Is it still alive?)

    1. It's got some sort of terrible rash. It's continuing to spread on the new leaves. The internet doesn't know what it is.

    2. I bet if you bring it back south it will heal right up!

  10. Congratulations! No place is perfect at this point, so it looks like you'll get the best of both possible worlds! The house looks just about right, and as you said, you know the neighborhood....
    We'd like to find a little place on a lake up somewhere near Spokane to spend our summers, so stay tuned!

  11. I love that house. The color scheme is all me. I'm so tired of everything being gray and white! I do hope you'll get the pretty furniture. Whoever the sellers are, I love their colorful taste. Charming!
