Friday, June 21, 2024

Spokane to Meridian, Idaho

Today's transit was Spokane to Meridian, ID.  Idaho feels like a foreign country to me.  There are trump signs and flags everywhere.  More men than in Spokane look menacing.  The amount of neck tattoos is astonishing. Anyway, it was a loooooooooong day.

The first learning is to take I182 to US395 in the tri-cities.  We missed it, and ended up on a neighborhood tour to get across the river.  Then we missed the second turn at the round about, but that was easily recovered.  

Second learning is to bring litre bottles of water for the hotel room.

Third learning is to PACK A LUNCH.  There is no edible food in the area we were in around lunch time.  Actually, there is no edible food anywhere.  We went to an A&W at the junction of I82 and I84, and it was pretty terrible.  Two kid's meals, $15.  There is a Subway down the road, and a Burger King in Pendleton.  A person could starve out there.

I guess they haven't heard people are really ticked about the sudden increase in fast food prices.  At McDonald's if you order in the app, in the line to order from a person, it's $2.99.  If you actually order from the person, it's $7.  I'd like someone to explain that pricing paradigm.

We're at the Hampton Inn in Meridian.  It's ok.  The bathroom is really tiny.  Another foot between the vanity and the bath tub would have been good.  The shower sucks, low pressure, tiny holes in the shower head.  The water is verrry softened, it feels slimy.  I forgot to ask to be far from the elevator, we're adjacent to it.  People get off talking, and I can hear them. If we were away from the elevator, I think it would be pretty quiet.  Jury is out on this hotel, and Meridian in general.  Meridian is part of the greater Boise megalopolis, and Boise is growing by leaps and bounds.  The traffic here is really terrible.  It's also in a fascist red state that hates women.  Update:  This hotel is not a keeper.  Sound insulation is not good.  The guy upstairs is being referred to as Big Foot.  I can hear people taking a shower and flushing the toilet.  For a new building, it's pretty bad.

This is the only picture I took today.  I think this was in Washington, maybe Idaho, who can tell?

So, this is the route for today.

In other news, Tucson had a haboob today.  They're usually in Phoenix, but today was Tucson's turn.  I posted a cool picture of one awhile ago, which you can find here.  It also rained yesterday, which was good.

Day one drive down, three to go.


  1. Safe travels and better food is my wish for you.

  2. the only thing I remember about Idaho when we drove through it a couple of decades ago is that it was miles and miles of nothing. As I recall we spent one night there going off the interstate looking for a small town mom and pop motel which we did and was nice and asked where the locals eat, they sent us to a restaurant and the food was good. I suppose things have really changed since then.

  3. Safe travels!
    I've never heard of a haboob before - that's quite the dust storm.

  4. Congrats on the new house and safe travels! I hope you make it out of Idaho safe and sound. That's kind of exciting, setting up a new house.

  5. So glad I'm not on the road these days. I always found Hampton's OK. Of course, that was ten or fifteen years ago. Safe home.
