Saturday, June 22, 2024

Meridian, ID to Ely, Nevada

Today was Meridian, Idaho to Ely, Nevada.  It's a grim drive, mostly through vast trackless expanses of scrub desert.  Navigation was without incident today, there were no missed exits, all was good.   The route was I84 to US93.  One turn and you're done. 

After departing Twin Falls, the road surface was not good.  About 20 odd miles north of Wells, NV we ran into a paving project.  I'm using the word paving loosely.  They put oil down on the road, then they dump rocks on it, then they roll it and sweep it; thus we get chip and seal.  When it's new, before it's fully packed down, if you drive too fast the chips go everywhere, damaging paint.  You can see the chip on the right lane, and the left land being oiled.  It's a terrible surface for bicyclists, there is much rolling resistance.

While we were waiting for it to be our turn to go, we were able to get out of the car, and stretch some.  I took photos.

We stopped in Wells for gas and lunch.  Today we had chicken sammies with left over chicken from dinner, and bread we got from the free breakfast, and an apple.  We do not feel poisoned like we did yesterday.  There was this next to the Conoco.  Wells is a wide spot in the road, in a lily white part of the country.  I am just astonished that they opened the restaurant here.  We wish them every success with this.

Later, 30 or 40 miles north of Ely a car was coming at us in our lane.  The driver had made a bad passing decision.  I stepped on the brakes, and the oncoming car was able to get back in to their lane.  It was a matter of seconds before we had a head on collision.  Then, about 15 miles down the road, there was another closure due to an incident.  There was a terrible head on collision between a pickup truck and a car.  I would be very surprised if the drivers survived.  This is the problem with two lane high ways with high speeds.  Everybody wants to pass.

We're at a La Quinta Inn in Ely.  It's old, but it's ok.  The rooms are not bathed in scent, the bathroom is larger than last night.  The bathtub corners are large enough to hold the shampoo and conditioner bottles.  However, there is virtually no light in the bathroom.  Good thing I don't wear makeup.  We asked for, and got, the top floor and away from the elevator, so I am hoping for more sleep than there was last night.  Jim does not like the parking lot,  it's small and the slots are really narrow.  This would not be a good choice if were were towing a trailer.  The shower is awful, water pressure is really low, and it's difficult to regulate the temperature.  

So, we might come back here.  We have yet to see how much road noise there will be in the night.

Tonight's key learning from making dinner is to BRING SCISSORS.  Everything these days seems to be packaged like it's nuclear waste.  Scissors would be good.


  1. Here's hoping the rest of your trip will be uneventful. We have many two lane highways in the province and in the last 10-15 years the province has been adding passing lanes at various intervals. It has definitely helped lessen the number of crashes...though there are always impatient drivers.

  2. near miss head on. I'd be so flushed with adrenaline I'd feel faint. surely flying even with a car rental would be better than a four day drive there and back.

    1. oh, ok, I see your answer to that two posts back.
