Thursday, June 27, 2024

The House Closed and a Terrible Debate

The house closed today, it's ours.  Sadly, the previous owner took everything with her except two beds.  She even took the paper towel holder down from the kitchen cabinet underside.  That was an attached to the house item, you're supposed to leave those.  It's her stuff, I can't say much about it, except for I really wanted that china hutch.  Quelle domage. We have furniture ordered, and arriving this Saturday and next.  Job one was to have somewhere to sit in place before leaving here for Spokane.  The house is in good shape with the exception of the roof.  She paid for that, we'll get it done in November. 

Being down here in June has been instructive.  It's very monsoonish, and it's hot and humid.  We've not experienced this level of heat with humidity in Tucson.  When we had the other house, the monsoons failed, so it was just hot.

Jim's got the debate up on his laptop.  It's not going well.  CNN is not fact checking, the orange menace is standing there telling lies looking very robust.  He just took credit for lowering the price of insulin, which he did not do.  Biden's voice sounds terrible, I think maybe he talked too much during debate prep.  He looks old.  I can not believe they're letting the orange one stand up there and tell lies.  This is bad.  We may indeed get four more years of this guy.  I am feeling sick to my stomach.  I think Biden may be ill, he's swaying a little and he looks terrible.  The orange guy is wearing a lot of bronzer and looks healthy.  Holy crap, I can't believe how bad this is.  

Here is a tile plaque on the house, and two of the bougainvilleas in the yard.


Well, I'm completely depressed now.  So, I'm going to sign off and ponder the future under a dictator.


  1. Some people just don't stick to the contract..I moved into one with my parents where the woman removed all the lightbulbs..and came over the road from her new built house to gather the crop of pears, months after she moved!
    Biden was under pressure...and CNN should have fact checked...but where are the younger generation of politicians?

  2. I am also very depressed. Four more years of Trump scares me. It was a disaster. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your newly furnished house.

  3. I watched the two men enter the stage last night, listened to Biden's first answer, and then shut it off. It was terrible. I have a friend who never listens to trump speak and had been excitedly reading all the news about how trump is mentally failing. I keep telling her she should, for her own edification, actually listen and watch trump occasionally to get a true picture of his health. She texted me about 5 mins into the debate and said "trump looks so strong!" like it was news. I resisted the urge to say told you so. It is so terribly depressing. Maybe the next debate will fix the damage from this one. But I'm not counting on it.

  4. The debate was a total disaster. Depressed doesn't even begin to describe my mood. Doomed might be a better word.
    Glad you got the house deal closed. I can't wait to see pictures.

  5. 37paddington: so glad the house is in good shape. As for the debate, an unmitigated disaster. Doesn’t matter. I’m still voting blue. At least Biden has more morally sound people around him.

  6. It's such a shame - I suspect Biden isn't feeling well and rather than postpone the debate he/his handlers decided to go ahead. Because that isn't how the State of the Union address played out. Perhaps the Democrats will consider putting someone else forward - can they do that at this late stage? IMO, doing so later in the process would give IQ45's team less time to cause grief for the candidate. One can only hope that people won't be taken in by the smug, orange bastard.

  7. I refused to watch it, just reading about what people are saying. apparently part of the rules were that the moderators would not fact check the candidates. and I read that Biden had a cold but got better as it went. if all people are going to look at is how they looked instead of what they said it does look bad. but Trump lied his ass off, everything he said was a lie and he continually trashed the country, didn't answer any of the questions. I don't think either candidate lost any votes as a result.

    when do we get to see pictures of the inside of the new house?

  8. I didn't watch the debate, but yeah, the consensus seems to be that it was a disaster for the Democrats. Apparently Biden improved as he went, but sadly a lot of people didn't stick around to see it. Still, he has my vote!

    I never think of Tucson as humid. That just sounds so bizarre to me. Bummer about the furniture but at least now you get to do your own thing!

  9. Yes, it was abysmal wasn't it? Unhinged still but far more robust, 45 was muted, his Handlers either sedated him or he knew if he didn't look as deranged and Biden looked like a walking Corpse, well, he might keep some Voters Home mired in a deep depression? I can't Believe we've come to this in America: Hell No and Oh No as the only Choices, just WTF, is this the best we can do... Jesus!!! Congrats on Closing, sorry the previous Owner unbolted everything she could leave with. It's Humid here in Phoenix too... coupled with record breaking temps, ugh.

  10. Congrats on the house! Now you have the best of both worlds!

  11. Glad the house business is behind you. As for the future, hold steady. Keep on course.

  12. I could not watch the debate though a bit creeped in and creeped me out. Shockingly horrid! Glad you like your new house down yonder and hope that you two are able to drive the distance for years to come...Better you than me! I am a sissy!

  13. I turned the debate off after about ten minutes and went to bed to read a book. It was truly painful to watch.
