Friday, April 26, 2024

Butte, Montana to Spokane, Washington

We drove I15 to I90.  We think we're not crazy about I90 through the Bitterroot Mountains.  It rained a lot, clouds were stuck on the trees, it reminded us a great deal of driving over the Cascades from the west side and descending into the terrible weather that is so often in Seattle.  Anyway, there's a lot of up down and twisty roads.  So, maybe something else will be better.  The fundamental problem here is that there is no good way to get from Tucson to here.  Because of  the terrain, like the Grand Canyon, all routes are not a straight shot.  Wah, call me a wahmbulance.

The other issue is that we're old now.  Various and sundry body parts are not enjoying being in a car for hours at a whack.  We think about shorter days, but that is another hotel bill and three more meals out.  Yes, I know, first world problems.

It did rain a bunch, but earlier in the drive it was not bad.  In the agricultural areas, there was the burning of the fields.  Being of the city, I have no idea why this is done.

There was scenery to be admired.

This place is something else.  They have bill boards up for miles, advertising 50,000 Silver $.  There is a huge "gift" store full of worthless crap from China, a bar, a restaurant, RV parking and a motel.  Most importantly there are restrooms.  We ate lunch there in the parking lot standing up and walking around some to get the feeling back in our extremities. 

It's funny being back, we can't remember where stuff goes in the bathroom and kitchen cabinets.  It will probably take awhile for that to be sorted out.  When we left Tucson I photographed all of the shelves, drawers and cabinets so I will not have to reinvent the wheel upon our return.  I think I'll do that here before we go.

We have weeds growing in the lava rock areas.  Some will have to be pulled by hand, they're too big to spray and leave on the ground.  "Gardening" season, other wise known as killing weeds, has begun.


  1. As far as I know field burning has stopped here. I think it is to kill off bugs and also leave a clean surface.. trouble is it kills off a load of good bugs and destroys soil can ploughing.,.more and more are doing direct drilling. Keeps soil structure, no carbon release, soil build up instead of degeneration. Also less likely to have soil washed away

    1. we need rain and the farmer was out in the field turning the dirt in preparation of planting cotton. windy day and big dust cloud followed the tractor and all I could think of was all that topsoil blowing away.

  2. Welcome home. I'm sure you're happy to have the driving done. Good luck with the weeds.

  3. I don't think Seattle has terrible weather. I'm thankful not to have 110 degrees, minus temps, tornadoes or hurricanes. I love the weather, but hate the traffic.

  4. That "50,000 Silver $" place reminds me of "South of the Border" on I-95 in South Carolina. It used to have dozens and dozens of billboards all up and down the highway for more than a hundred miles in either direction. Not sure whether that's still the case!

  5. I love that bit of I90. It's like being on top of the mountains instead of up a mountain, down a mountain.
