Monday, April 29, 2024

Bunnies and Cicadas

 Bunny and quail in the yard this morning.  The quail were herding the bunny.

This just out on the cicada hatching.

This is why I will vote for Biden despite his support of Netanyahu and his cronies.


  1. Sex crazed flying Eunuchs, well, your Post Topic beat mine hands down my Friend. *Bwahahahaha*

  2. Gotta say, I'm glad we don't have cicadas or Republicans here.

  3. What Pixie said! I chuckled at the rabbit and the quail. They seem like unusual friends.

  4. This was certainly an entertaining post. My chuckles for the day. Thank you.

  5. I love cicadas. their buzzing is the background for summer.

    I hate Biden's support for Netanyahu and his atrocities but my real concerns are closer to home. wtf republicans and those religious affiliates that despise women, trying to take us back to the days when getting pregnant could be a death sentence and often was, which was why men often had two or three wives. next stop making legal to kill your wife for not being submissive enough?

  6. I wonder if the quail were herding the rabbit because they have a nest nearby? Aren't quail ground-nesters?

  7. Maybe the quail is using the rabbit- If a gun spots the two , it will likely f=got for the rabbit, more meat! I suppose...Otherwise is could be a disney story.
    Nothing we can do but vote against
    Trump- Fingers crossed that his hair falls out entirely giving his heart a reason to quit.
