Saturday, September 20, 2014

Boise, ID to Phillips RV Park in Evanston, WY

Oy!  It has been a day!  We normally don't like to drive more than 300 miles a day, but today was a 400 miler.  Tomorrow will be almost as long.  I did the distance arithmetic wrong to give us today's mileage.  Tomorrow is a by product of there not being much out here.  We were up at 6:30, so we could be past Mountain Home Air Force Base before the crowds started massing for an airshow.  The talking heads on the news were forecasting carmageddon between construction and crowds, so we were up and out very early.
This is how early it was.  The balloons were out.

We saw this for most of the day.  Southern Utah can only be described as desolate.  We stopped at a Flying J on I84 in Snowville.  Avoid this truck stop if at all possible.  There are only three pumps, and getting out of there in a Class A towing is challenging.  There are many more truck stops up the road that are better.

The Phllips RV park is rustic. 

The view from our windshield.

The good:  There is a strong 4G signal.  We're in a fairly level pull through at the front of the park, which has a clear shot at the southern sky.  Power seems to be good.
The bad:  We're on site 49.  The sewer is very far at the back.  Since we wanted to leave the truck attached to the RV, we could not set a sewer.  The pull throughs are laid out sort of haphazardly.
The ugly:  Park water pressure is 90 to 100 psi.  You must have a pressure regulator!

It's ok for an overnight, but I would not want to spend much time here.

And now for some history.  The park has been here since 1936 and is still family owned.  In November 1868, as the grading crews for the Union Pacific Railroad approached the present site of Evanston, Harvey Booth pitched a tent near what is now Front Street and opened a saloon and restaurant.  With a few weeks, the new frontier railroad camp had 650 residents.

Update to post:  There is no way this park has high water pressure.  Taking a shower was just sad, there was so little water.  Also, the train noise is unbelievable.  The Union Pacific line goes through here, hauling huge freight loads.  We can hear the horns and the basso profundo rumble of big trains.  We're also hearing the pickup trucks running up and down the road on a Saturday night.

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