Monday, September 23, 2024

Turkeys and Covid Vaccine

Last year we hardly had any turkeys.  We would hear them, but not see them.  This year they've been all over the neighborhood.  There have been many baby turkeys.  Here they are in the side yard.  The pink flags in the background outline yet another unsuccessful attempt to grow grass in that area, so the guys that mow the yard don't cut there.

Today I had to freeze my credit with the three reporting agencies because I was part of the Change Healthcare data breach.  I think this was the breach that made it so that doctors could not get paid, and crippled much of healthcare in the US.  I hate these people.  Anyway, I'm frozen now so even if they get my information off the dark web, they can't open new accounts in my name.

I have also noticed that even though I cancelled the New York Times digital subscription, and lost access to their website, they are still billing me.  So tomorrow that will be another 30 minutes or so of my life that I will never get back.

The main purpose of this post is to document our latest booster for Covid.  This time we got Novovax.  It's not a m-RNA vaccine, it's protein based..  There have been journal articles indicating it covers the variants better and reduces viral loads more than the m-RNA.  Costco finally got it in, we got it this afternoon.  We both have headaches.  My arm does not hurt at all.  So, we'll see.  Since they did away with vaccine cards I have to write it down here.  My vaccine history is an open book.

That's it!

1 comment:

  1. Change healthcare data breach? I know nothing of this! Glad I got my covid injection from Cost Co. good to know...and why are there wild turkeys in your neighborhood? How does that happen? Escapees from old MacDonald's farm? You must not have many dogs running around- the turkeys would be no more!
    Anyway, good that you got your injection, covid is not letting up over here! Wicked virus! Friends keep getting it over and over.
