Friday, September 20, 2024

Autumn and Blue Zones

Greetings and Salutations.  How are we all doing in this time of discord?  It's Fall east of the mountains.  The sun is noticeably lower when we're riding through the trees.  It's also chillier, no need to get up early and run out the door.

The laptop situation may be resolved.  We had it at Friendly Computers for two five day stretches.  During this time we were told that he could not replicate the dropping of the internet, the freezing of the cursor, and the over heating.  The second five day stint, allegedly he upgraded the firmware and refreshed the thermal paste.  When we got it home the second time, it died within five minutes.  So, we looked at Yelp and found Pruitt PC.   After we described the problem, his first words were "sounds like the network card is bad."  Yep, it was.  He also upgraded all of the firmware (suggesting it was not done by Friendly), and checked the event recorder which showed there had been issues with the touch pad.  Did you know your laptop has an event recorder?  I did not.  So, we will see if it stays fixed and on the internet.  Now we have a spare HP for the next laptop badness.  Jim is very happy to have his backlit key board back.

We've been doing not much of anything.  The Liverwort continues on its path to world domination.  I love this stuff.

There was a sunset behind a cloud.

Pumpkins up the street.

See the furry thing living on the rock?  There's an arrow pointing at it.  Who knows what this is?  Google Lens has no idea.  Observe the lushness of the moss on the ground.  This area gets a lot of sun, so the moss surprises me.

There are three personal watercraft in this photo.  The one on the right you just sit on, no problem.  The other two drag you through the water until you're able to boost yourself up to stand on the back.  Guy in the middle was good at it, got right up.  Guy on the left had trouble doing it, not helped by the fact that his buddy kept roaring up to him and swamping him.  Eventually they were all able to leave and make noise elsewhere.

The lake, the millfoil is starting to lose its bright yellow color.  It was a truly gorgeous day.

Who is aware of the Blue Zones where people live a long time?  There has been a fair amount written about these special people who live a long time.  The underlying theme behind the reporting is basically why don't all people follow their diets.  It turns out that the Blue Zones are bad record keeping and pension fraud.  There is an article on the recent Ig Nobel (pun on ignoble) award in which Dr. Saul Newman debunks the Blue Zones.  Article is here, and there is no paywall.  Here is an excerpt below.  It's a short read and is entertaining.

Dr Newman received the award for research that revealed fundamental flaws in extreme old-age demographic research, by demonstrating that data patterns are likely to be dominated by errors and finding that supercentenarian and remarkable age records exhibit patterns indicative of clerical errors and pension fraud (paper pre-print, not yet peer-reviewed).

For example, despite vegetables and sweet potatoes being promoted as key components of the Okinawan ‘Blue Zone’ diets, according to the Japanese government, Okinawans eat the least vegetables and sweet potatoes in Japan and have the highest body mass index.

Other than this, I have nothing much to say.  I was going to discuss the Evangelical Minister and Lt. Gov of North Carolina's sex scandal, but it's just too disgusting to discuss.  It's getting limited reporting because it's too disgusting to put in print.  I will say that he reported in detail his threesomes with his sister-in-law and one of her friends on a porn site.  Can you imagine how his wife must feel?  That poor woman can never go to the grocery store again.  That's it!  That's all I have to say about that.

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