Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Weather and the Park Model

The forecast was for blowing dust and high winds.  We didn't believe it, but they were right.  About 4:45 big gusts of wind came through, followed by lightning and thunder and a down pour.  And then it was gone.

This is from the Spokesman Review.  That's dust out in the distance.

In personal news, we appear to have sold the park model.  Happy we are about that.  Ground rent was due October 1 for the next year, and now we don't have to pay.   We've chalked that up as a failed experiment.

Apropos of nothing, exactly how many guns are required to order fast food?

That's it, that's all I've got.


  1. I must have missed some news. I'm glad you sold your park model but what are your plans now? Still coming south in the winter? If winter ever shows up.

    1. We bought a stick frame house in the same neighborhood we used to live in, next to Tucson Mountain Park. This house is smaller than the other house, but still bigger than the park model. The main thing is that it's quiet out there. So, for the time being, we're snowbirds.

    2. Once you told me I remembered reading about the house. The brain refuses to function some times. Thanks.

  2. That last photo is messed up, on so many levels.

  3. That picture is crazy. People are insane.

    Congrats on selling the park model!

  4. Congratulations on the sale.....not a failed experiment, you don't know what will work til you try! Now you can have the best of both worlds.

  5. Holy smokes, seeing the rain blown down the street was something else. It was rally blowing.
    Congrats on the sale. And OMG, I think those fellows have had enough fast food and too many guns. If I ever walked into a place and saw them, I'd start freaking out.
