Sunday, September 15, 2024

Riding and Another Alleged Assassination Attempt

We rode to the lake this morning.  It was our first chilly ride, even though it was in the low 60s.  The clouds were thick, so no thermal warming.  We wore undershirts, jerseys, the black arm warmers, and a paper towel in the helmets.  It was ok, everything stayed on until we got back to the car.  

Today we once again wondered what goes through the heads of our fellow citizens.  We ran into a group of eight dogs towing carts.  They had exited a school play ground without looking onto the trail.  Did they move single file?  No.  Did they single up after the bell, and after us hollering two bikes behind you?  No.  We sat up, gave them some space, and we were able to go up the middle.  This is a multi use trail, there are people, bikes and horses in use. Tow your carts single file!   

Last night there was a mediocre sunset.

Now we will discuss the 45th president using tweets.  Today has been interesting.  This tweet is heinous because he's putting a target on her.  He knows his followers are bat shit crazy, and may try to hurt her to please him.

Followed by this.

JD Vance did three Sunday morning shows today.  I think with each appearance he dug the hole a little deeper.  If you want to play the video below, CLICK HERE.

Then, and then.......yet another alleged assassination attempt at the Palm Beach golf club.  Note that the only shots fired came from the Secret Service.  The gun was found with two backpacks, one of which was full of ceramic tiles under some foliage.  To say that details are murky would be an understatement, however the former president has had the fortitude and grit to start fund raising on this.

So, here it is, all the news that's fit to tweet.


  1. And in additional news from Ohio, I have a news feed that the Portage County (I live here) sheriff's FB page encourages the recording of Harris supporters. I looked, but cannot find the FB post. I asked my sister who subscribes to the Beacon Journal, which reported it, to find the article. I saw the headline on my feed, but the Reekin' Journal has a paywall.

    1. It was reference on twitter.

  2. "A group of eight dogs towing carts" -- I am having a hard time picturing this. Was it a group of dogs, each with its own cart? Or was it like the Iditarod, a pack of dogs with a single cart? I'm not sure dogs know to single up when they hear "two bikes behind you." Or are you not talking about literal dogs? I'm honestly confused.

    As for Trump's tantrums, they just diminish him in the eyes of the world. He looks so childish ranting about hating Taylor Swift. Rave on, DJT!

    1. Each dog had its own cart, and its own human trying to direct their movements. Their owners certainly should know that they should not be occupying the entirety of a mixed-use trail.

    2. Sounds like it would have made an interesting picture, but I can understand why you might not have been able to take one at that moment! Yeah, they certainly shouldn't have taken up the whole trail no matter what.

    3. @Steve Reed, this was my question as's very hard to picture such a thing. I know they are multi-use trails, but...! ;-)

  3. Florida is an open carry state, wasn't in sight of Trump, he wasn't even on the golf course being outside the fence, he didn't fire a single shot, and what the hell is the deal with the ceramic tile? I wonder what the charges will be. is it really an assassination attempt if it's legal to carry that gun and he didn't fire a single shot? oh, and he voted for Trump in 2016 and supported Haley and Ramaswamy in this year's primaries.

  4. From what I read, the initial statement was sent out by the campaign team in a very short time period (minutes, not hours) and of course, included a fund-raising request (grifter has to grift).
    Dog carts? Were they pulling kids in the carts?

  5. JD Vance admits to making up stories about immigrants stealing and eating cats and dogs to grab press attention. And it seems like every time Trump wants to change the news cycle, someone fires a gun.
