Monday, September 9, 2024

A Laptop Saga

Here is some personal history which I must record somewhere so I can find it in the future.  Repeatedly I have proved to myself that my "filing system" is lacking, and things go missing.  

My Lenovo, which I bought in December 2021 became unusable while we were in Tucson the winter of 2023/2024.  It was a hinge failure.  See the screen frame on the right which is detached from rest of it.  Now it is also ailing, losing internet, that sort of thing.  I bought a new Lenovo in Tucson February 1, 2024.  As of this writing, it's still working.

Jim's Lenovo laptop has died.  This is the one he bought in August 2021.  It loses connection with the internet, it gets really hot (110F) on the keyboard, and then the cursor becomes inoperable.  We took it to be fixed, but they say it works just fine.  It does not.  I have records.  

At this point, given the fact that two Lenovos purchased in 2021 are dead, we've lost faith in the brand.  Plus, they are really expensive.  Our idea was that if you pay more, you get more reliability.  I think this is not true.

Yesterday morning we looked at Walmart on-line, I know, evil empire and all of that, and they had an HP on sale.  We ordered it, they said same day delivery.  They actually did deliver it the same day.  This is the unboxing.  Notice the packaging is like egg carton material, recyclable.  It's not as nice as the Lenovo, no backlight on the keys, their fonts are too light, but over all it's a keeper.

So, this is the record of our rotten luck with laptops.

Jim has new Oofos flip flops.  Zappos used to have a lot of them, now not so much.  If it's in your size, you get the color you get.  We got green.  This is what our feet will tolerate, they're extremely cushy. They do last a long while.

We rode to the lake this morning.  It was an early go due to the heat, and they were also predicting gusty winds.  All of these things conspired to give us a Red Flag Warning, which is a notice to wild land managers that fire danger is high.

Last night's sunset. 

Here is a link to the orange menace giving a "press conference" at Trump Tower.  He's getting free coverage.  This used to be an election law violation until Ronald Reagan did away with the Fairness Act.  Anyway, load it and play it and marvel at how little coverage his lack of mental acuity is receiving.

That's it, that's all I have to report.  Failing electronics and Dementia Don.



  1. I have no experience with Lenovo but I've been very happy with my Apple laptops. The one I'm using now will turn 10 years old in January! (Admittedly, it's time to get a new one.)

    At the top of today's NYT web site is an article headlined: "Ahead of the debate, Donald Trump is now the candidate facing questions about his age and cognitive health."

    1. This is a 13 minute Lawrence O'Donnell piece about the failings of NYT. Well worth watching.

  2. I've been using HP laptops for many years. Usually when something goes wrong - it is human error. Like the times I tripped over the cord and yanked the entire power connection out of the machine or when I dropped it off the arm of the couch one too many times. My daughter is currently using an old version that is probably 10 years old - it's only used for Cricut work and for my grandson to discover Google Secrets.

    The debate tonight should be interesting, not only for the disparity between Kamala and IQ45, but also to see how the media reports on it.

  3. trump's family has to get him to a doctor. OMG that was painful to watch, and I despise the guy.

  4. I've never had a laptop. my newest desktop was a freebie from my niece and nephew, a mac mini, and using my sister's monitor since she doesn't need it anymore. I've though I'd like a laptop so I could sit out on the deck in the pleasant mornings when I do my online time but so far, nope.

    the press hounded Biden after one lackluster debate but they continue to refuse to go after Trump who is visibly mentally declining is every appearance. thought I did see something the last day or two on social media that the NYT has finally started pointing it out, way too late.

  5. I've been happy with my HP although as Steve says, Apple is considered to be more reliable than any PC. I don't know that I could easily adjust though and nothing would transfer over. Plus, they are spendy!

  6. Well, the Evil Empire did at least deliver as promised. I've had to buy sometimes from companies I'd rather not, but, sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
