Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Debate

 Did you watch it? We saw all of it. She was better than he was.  ABC referred to him as an old man yelling at a cloud. That's a Simpsons reference.

Immediately after the debate, this happened.

Think he'll debate again?


  1. Thanks to insomnia I heard much of the debate, plus news reports quoting sections... she's a good 'un

  2. I did think that thing with TS supporting the orange one was suspect...turns out it is false created with AI

  3. I did not, as my blood pressure rises every time I hear that man whine. I did follow on the discussion threads on Reddit, read the fact checking on Politico, and read several summaries from various news sites.
    There were a number of sound bites that Harris' team will be able to use in future ads - "concept of a plan" chief among them. On the other side there was a lot of 3v1 which at first I didn't get, but apparently, there is a suggestion that IQ45 was debating the moderators and Harris. Yet, from all accounts they let him respond to Harris, left his mic open much longer, and only twice fact checked him on the abortion after birth and aliens eating pets.
    In my mind, Harris sounded reasonable and dare I say, presidential, while IQ45 whined, complained and spewed nonsense. In other words, like he does every day. It will be interesting to see the garbage that was posted to Truth Social last night...I'm pretty sure there was a tantrum after that event.
    Nah, I can't see him "debating" again.

    1. On WAPO this morning, there's a headline that he's "less inclined" to debate again. Good thinking, he got his head handed to him.

  4. I don't think he will. as a bully, he is also a coward and if he's not assured of dominance he won't show.

  5. Taylor Swift rocks. So does Kamala Harris.

  6. I didn't watch it but now I kind of wish I had! (I suppose I could watch it on YouTube but it's not the same in retrospect.) Anyway, she already has my vote.

  7. I watched the entire thing, even though it was painful every time he opened his pie-hole. I thought Kamala did well, and let's face it, he had to be fact-checked. His outrageous conspiracy theories and blatant lies can't be allowed to stand. He got 5 minutes more speaking time, so he also got fact checked. Sorry Donny!
