Wednesday, October 25, 2023

First Snow of the 2023/2024 Cold Season

This is what we woke up to today.  It was not in the weather forecast.  But, here we are.  Fortunately it is too warm for it to stick to the roads.

 We're making beef stew today, it's a good day for it.



  1. Snow on the passes, but I didn't expect it in the lowlands, even in Eastern WA. We have a frost/freeze warning over here.

  2. This is the most beautiful view of the season. We’re still in shorts, tees and sandals here in our neck of Texas.

  3. We had about 3 inches on Monday overnight. Sadly, it's been melting and freezing and it is ugly out there.

  4. Snow makes everything so pretty and almost magical. The first snow of the season, anyway. Then it gets tiresome and inconvenient.

  5. I only like seeing Snow and Frost in Photographs, I don't have to shovel Sunshine here and that's how I like it.
