Friday, October 20, 2023

Back to the Lake

Another day, another ride to the lake.  It is very fall-ish now.  The fuzzy black and brown caterpillars are scurrying across the road.  I always wonder what makes the other side so attractive that they're willing to risk their lives, crossing the pavement.  Googling on brown and black caterpillar reveals that they live in many places in the US.  They're everywhere.  Here is an article about them.  And here is what they look like.  According to the article, they're born black, and develop the rust colored band as they mature.

The lake was lovely today.  It's really nice that no one is there.  Soon they will lock the gate at the road into the park, and it will only be available to bicyclists and walkers.  Of course, by then, it will be getting too cold to ride.

This is a pretty cool boat.  It had a small engine, and they were cruising along, enjoying the day.

This is what's growing on one of the arborvitae stumps in the backyard.  It's fairly impressive.

Welp, Jim Jordan will not be the next speaker of the House.  After failing to accumulate enough votes after three rounds of public voting, a secret ballot was held at his request, and he lost bigly.  The vote to remove Jordan was 112 to 86.  Being held in secret, as it was, allowed all of the cowards and chicken shits to vote against him without fear of death threats being directed and them and their families.  They're still trying to blame the Democrats for all of this.

I recently unearthed a photo of one of the quilts I made.  It's made of replica antique prints that were very popular in the 1990s.  Quilting went by the wayside after we retired.  Now that we're back in a house with room for a craft table, I find that I don't want to do this anymore.  I'm glad I had the hobby when I did, many babies received adorable crib quilts.

Other than this paltry offering, I have not much of interest to say.


  1. I'm just happy that Jirdan lost and lost and lost. There has to be one sane Republican doesn't there? Time for you to head south. Beautiful weather next week.

  2. I made one attempt to make a quilt and of course it was quite ambitious. the state of Texas with all its counties done in old blue jeans with the darker colors for forested, slightly faded for hill country, and very faded for desert and dry regions. needless to say, I never even got the whole state done before I abandoned it and just forget about the surrounding areas which were supposed to be flora and fauna. what on earth was I thinking!

    of course the republicans are blaming the democrats, they never own their shit. and not a single republican voted for Nancy Pelosi either time she was elected but they expect democrats to bail them out and then of course turn on them with complete non cooperation. and as Jeff Tiedrich puts it, now that members of the Tigers Eating People's Faces Party are getting death and violence threats they are incensed! they were fine when the tigers were eating other people's faces but they never thought the tigers would eat their faces.

  3. That's a beautiful quilt. Yes, at least you enjoyed the hobby for a while. Nothing wrong with moving on! This Jim Jordan situation is laughable. The Republicans are so riven by infighting they just can't govern.

  4. The photos at the lake are great, the blue of the sky reflecting in the water is amazing.
    I hadn't realized the Repubs had held a secret vote - that in itself is hilarious and the results are wonderful....too bad some of these representatives have no spine/balls.
    Your quilt is lovely. My mom was a quilter and made many nice pieces, usually for wedding gifts. Since I never married, I never got on, but I do have the one she and dad had on their bed. I'm not a confident or competent sewer - I can't sew a straight line so quilting is out of the question for me.

  5. That's a pretty little quilt. If you get bored with biking and yard work, I think you'd find quilt guilds around to join.
    Jim Jordan, one of the last great used car salesmen. He comes from the same district as Jim Trafficant. Do you remember him? Removable hair.

    1. PS--around here those little caterpillars are called wooly bear caterpillars. The length of their stripe is supposed to predict the severity of the coming winter. One of the TV Stations used to run a wooly bear festival. They may still. I don't have a TV now days.

  6. your lake is beautiful and serene. how fortunate you are to have such a place to go. and jim jordan, what a circus that was. I am glad he didn't win. but now we remain in limbo.
