Wednesday, October 25, 2023

It May Be the End of the World as We Know It

The republicans have elected a new speaker.  Mike Johnson, from Louisiana.  I think this is what he envisions for the future.

This is a start on listing his vile beliefs.

Here are some notable quotes from Mike.


I always thought the US would remain a democracy.  Now, I'm not so sure.  If Biden wins 2024, which is increasingly in doubt, the orange ectoplasm will have a lot of backing in the House to over turn the election.  Then we'll cease being a democracy.  At present, I'm fairly disheartened.

Well, that is all.


  1. I don't know much about this guy except what I've read over the past 24 hours -- which, as you point out, is pretty scary. Time will tell!

  2. Mike sounds like a special kinda stupid.

  3. When I was young, there was a figure that when punched became upright again. I think its name was Joe Palooza, but I'm not sure. The rolly polly doll is similar. Anyway, I can only hope that's what will happen to us.

  4. One can only hope that the Democrats win back the house in 2024. As another blogger says often, Vote Blue!

  5. This is scary. I have often said that I am not sure that Trump is not the Anti-Christ. Seems like the evangelicals have embraced him and it remains a mystery why! Trump seems to be untouchable with all of his treachery. It is disturbing and I fear for my grandchildren.

  6. Vote Blue for sure! I fear for this country and for my children and grandchildren.

  7. I couldn't believe that every single republican voted for that guy. truly a sad day. though I don't think Trump has any chance of being reelected and I don't think they can legally overturn an election, I don't care how much backing they have in the House, there's just no mechanism for it. 2024 is definitely the most crucial election.

  8. I do feel so much deep infiltration has happened at all levels, that we don't know how many devils beyond just this one have already been installed in key positions at every level of Society, which, when you can't differentiate who the Enemy is then it's almost impossible to win that battle.

  9. 37paddington: this is truly one of the scarier developments in MAGA world. They seem to be moving pieces in place and I too wonder, will we survive.
