Thursday, January 20, 2022

Glass, Food, Traitorous Senators

Greetings!  How are things in your neck of the woods?  It rained today, so Jim took the cars out into the drive way to see if it would wash away some of the salt.  Salt!  They salt the roads here.  To my knowledge the Seattle area does not do that. The car washes here have a chassis flush wherein you drive over a thing that sprays water up on to the underside of the car.  We'll probably be doing that a couple of times a winter.  We did find a touchless car wash place in Spokane Valley, and we'll be going there.  Jim can not bear the thought of car wash brushes touching his vehicles.  

As you no doubt recall we had the glass bricks taken out of the primary bathroom and replaced with a clear glass surround.  The process started at the end of November. The problems were: 1) the glass door was too large and wouldn't close,  2) instead of replacing the door they brought a fixed piece of glass which they initially thought was the wrong size and took it back, 3) more experienced guys brought it back and installed it, 4) then they noticed that the door was scratched and brought a new one out, 5) then we noticed that the fixed glass from item two was scratched, 6) we got new fixed glass yesterday.  Yesterday was the first time any of these guys in my house were masked, and they were not happy about it.  I gave one installer a three part mask, but he did not know he should fold the top up and use the metal strip to better fit his face, nor did he know about pulling the chin piece out and down.  I don't think he's ever worn a mask.  The thing that just irritates the living snot out of me is that they were planning on coming in again, unmasked.  I'm also irritated with us for letting it happen at all.  Yesterday we had the bathroom window open, the exhaust fan on, and a fan blowing down the hall they used to go in and out.  Airflow is key with an airborne pathogen.  Anyway, maybe this time we are done, I'd like to not have people in the house for awhile.

Here are the scratches in the fixed glass.  They're hard to see if you don't have a dark background.  I think they need to improve their glass handling processes.

So, the senate killed voting rights yesterday.  After the vote, the republicans lined up to shake Sinema's hand.  I hope she gets covid from that.  Emily's List, one of her largest donors, has dropped their support of her.  Her popularity in AZ among democrats is 8%.  Republicans, however, think she's great.  Mitch had this to say.

I guess "American" means white, all others must hyphenate. 

We made stoup again, this time we made mass quantities in the Le Creuset.  I don't use it much on the stove top because of the shape, the round ones are better.

We put it in the oven.  It works really well, cooks faster, doesn't require stirring to move stuff towards the middle and puts less food smell in the house.  As usual, I used too much liquid.

We've made a pact to cook big batches of food and freeze parts of them.  It's unfortunate that no one here likes to cook.

Also yesterday, the Supreme Court let a lower court decision stand that the National Archives could release documents related to January 6.  The archivist moved out with all due haste to get the documents to the January Select Committee.  The Select Committee has invited Ivanka to come and talk to them.  I don't know why they just don't subpoena the whole lot of them.  Additionally, a Civil Special Grand Jury has been empaneled in Georgia to investigate the orange ectoplasm's attempts to convince the GA Secretary of State to "find him some votes."  Raffensperger has said he would not testify unless presented with a subpoena, so now that can be arranged.  The call was recorded and released to the public.  Here we have the orange ectoplasm flailing about talking about the call.

I really want someone to put him in jail. 


  1. Mitch McConnell's statement was astounding. F*ck him.

    Hello hello.

  2. Oh man, jail would be too good! Although he would lose his "tan" and "hair" and that would be his undoing.

  3. I would have breathed a sigh of relief over the voting bill but held out little hope that it would pass. I'm so frustrated and scared. I was cautiously happy that there may possibly, hopefully be some consequences for T. and his cronies; I'm not holding out 100% hope though. I've been disappointed too much in the past.

  4. I have refused to allow workers in my home without masks throughout this pandemic. Even the guys who replaced my windows, with a good portion of their work done outdoors, wore their masks anytime they were indoors. It was never an issue for any of them. It sounds like you had a "Covid is a hoax" guy in your house. Good luck with the glass.

    I suspect the chickens are coming home to roost. But whether it results in jail time, who knows. I guess it will depend on who turns tail first.

  5. My "perfect" phone call -- LOL! Who talks like that?!

    So are you saying that your newest glass door is STILL scratched?

    1. No, the one we got yesterday is not scratched.

  6. Here it seems there are so few competent contractor types that that we must settle. I went through a similar experience of no mask wearing and tried to talk to any workers outside and with a good distance between us. Jail would be good and it might scare some senate members into being rational adult humans rather than whatever low-life they currently are.

  7. When we were doing architectural art glass first thing we would do is cover the back of the glass with a clear protective film and prior to delivery and installation we would cover the etched side with the film as well. No scratches.

    McConnell is an evil man. Besides this nasty revealing statement he has also said that once they regain control of the Senate retaliation would be imminent. I assume he meant groundless charges and investigations. Not to mention getting rid of the filibuster. They will cement one party rule. I've often thought Manchin and Sinema are republican plants. It's exactly the underhanded thing they would do using Russia's playbook. I wonder how much they are getting paid under the table by republicans.

  8. What a nightmare of repair services you endured.
    The politics of the day are like some far-fetched soap opera. There was an interesting article in the Arizona Mirror today about Sinema. The opinion is that she is very strategic and she thinks this will get her reelected in 2024. What a mess we are in.

  9. Allison, I have reached and passed understanding. I will be an old lady, die and be gone. How I hope you youngsters can make it better.
