Saturday, May 18, 2024

TV and Rudy

We ordered a new TV for the downstairs.  Since we got rid of cable, the old TV wasn't doing well with the internet.  A wi-fi extender probably would have helped, but after reading reviews that bang both sides of the course, a new television seemed simpler.  Since we had a Samsung in Tucson, with a remote that Jim really likes, we ordered one of them.

This is what Costco sent us yesterday.

When delivered, the box had a rip in it, and a corner was accordioned.  Somewhere along its path to us, it was most likely dropped.  So, after going through the unboxing process we re-boxed it and returned it to Costco.  Thursday I had spent about 40 minutes on the phone with a friend who cut the cord awhile ago trying to understand how the new TVs work.  There is so much stuff!  Cable is so much easier, turn it on, pick channel.  Anyway, all that was done on an LG remote, so we got another LG.  It has a little pointer so you can point the remote at stuff on the screen and activate it.  You can also talk to it.  There are hundreds of Youtube channels explaining how to set "always on" and this that and the other.  I may have to take notes.  It does make a person long for over the air TV and its simplicity.

Washington state used to charge $35 to recycle a TV.  People wouldn't pay it, and so they'd dump old electronics out in the woods.  Eventually they wised up and now recycle is free, which is better.

The weather here has tanked.  It's windy, and it's not warm.  Last night I had to get out my woolly flip flop socks, my feet were cold.  Of course, it's 99F in Tucson, so I'm not sure which is worse.

There was a sunset.  Not Arizona quality, but it will do.

The AZ Attorney General, Kris Mayes, served Rudi Giuliani yesterday.  He had a role in the AZ fake electors scheme, and now he will be arrested.  He's broke, getting a lawyer will be difficult for him.  It's going to be a difficult case for all of them to defend against since they made a video explaining what they were doing, and then filmed themselves signing the bogus elector documents.  You just can not fix stupid.

They got him at his 80th birthday party in Palm Beach.


  1. Goodness, you would think after dropping the box, they'd know better than to deliver the product. I'm a Luddite still with the streaming - I can't add a service but once it's on the television I'm can generally move my way around. But, I know I've simply scratched the surface. Cable was far more easy to navigate.

    I'm not unhappy to see Rudy and the others get charged, and in due time convicted, but I'd be happier to see IQ45 be found accountable for his actions. I worry about the impact should he be able to win the election in November, and am even more worried should he lose again as I think his cult will lose their collective minds even more.

    1. There should be online training. This is much harder than I thought it would be. This past winter we had internet TV, but we only watched Britbox on Amazon, so it was easy. Branching out has been difficult.

  2. I wonder what happened to Rudy Gulliani, or was he always kind of crazy?

    1. That is a question for the ages. What did happen to America's Mayor?

  3. I still have a non-smart tv and directv. I know how it works and it's perfect for me. Hope it lasts a long time.

    Rudy is an idiot.

  4. We didn't have too much trouble setting up our smart TV (a Samsung) as I recall. But yeah, it IS more complicated than just plugging it in and turning it on! You gotta wonder what went through the mind of whoever dropped that TV. (Besides, "Oh, sh*t!")

  5. I have been using an amazon fire stick and have subscriptions for youtubetv (local channels included), youtube, netflix, amazon video etc... loaded on it and it works great. Very portable. You can have it plugged in on your tv in Spokane and then take it on the road and then to Tucson, plug it in, connect to the internet and all your stuff is there. Fire Stick remote is really nice to use.
