Friday, May 3, 2024

Walking and Developers

Spring is late!  We had planned to ride today, the sun was out, but the air is still really cold.  I know, it's not really cold, but it was definitely out of my comfort zone.  Instead we went up the hill and did hill repeats on foot.  The elderly need all the weight bearing exercise they can get, so it was good.  Unfortunately, cycling does zippity doo-dah all for bone density.  Doesn't seem quite fair, does it?

The HOA had more thinning in the woods done.  This is what's left over, I guess the chipper/shredder could not make it up here.

The woods are way more open than they used to me.  I think I liked it better before.

This is the neighbors' yard.  They put a lot of time and effort in to their yard, and it shows.  They plant vegetables and herbs, but they have to be in tall pots so the marmots can't reach them.  It's always something with the wildlife.

The dog woods have been pretty this year.

We used to have a half way house for troubled teens who were too difficult for their parents to care for them, but not bad enough for incarceration.  Their facility was down the hill from our neighborhood. I last wrote about them here when they started a fire in the woods on a very windy day.  Plans have changed, and now their intent is to build a multi-unit facility with primary care doctors, a hospice, multi-level multi-family housing and what all I do not know.  Given the amount of land they own, it's not clear where it will all go.  Management has been in contact with the HOA on a limited basis, they have not been completely forthcoming about their plans.  It wasn't until this article was published that the full scope became clear.  You should be able to open this and read it once, then the paywall gets you.

Here is a map.  The area bordered by the solid black line with the diagonal lines is property owned by  them.  The area with the oval drawn around it has been a subject of discussion for about a year.  It really has no value, it's small, very difficult to get to, but it belongs to us.

This is what we saw the other day.  They're cutting in a road for more access and for the fire trucks.  They've cut the bank back for the road and encroached in to our property.  Permission should have been requested.

This belongs to them.  It shows how the bank has been cut to put in the road.

And then there is this.  It's part of a challenge course.  It's on our property.  It's also an attractive nuisance.  If someone is on this, falls off, breaks a leg, who gets sued?  The land owner, or the people who installed it?  We would like this gone, and have done for quite some time.

Developers - encroach first, ask forgiveness later.  It's aggravating.  They're also talking about trails through the woods.  One wonders, whose woods.

That's it for me.


  1. you're in Hillside Park? when you say 'our' property, do you mean the subdivision or your personal property? what does the black dashed line in the map refer to? so I guess the halfway house is no longer there. that sucks to have major construction in your backyard. one more reason to move back down south?

    1. The HOA owns it, it's common property for the use of the neighborhood.

    2. Ellen, yes we are in Hillside Park, our house is on the 1st cul de sac right above the letter "P" in the Hillside Park label that Allison put on the map.

  2. I'm sure you'll have noticed a significant difference in the temperatures. Hopefully, the temperatures will increase and you'll be out riding again soon.
    I'm not a fan of developers too - though I must wonder, how did the HOA manage to own a small piece of the land smack dab in the middle of the developer's property? I'm sure there will be much wrangling and possibly a lawsuit before all is settled. Such a shame!

  3. The neighborhood developer did that little triangular piece when they platted the neighborhood. Why he did that is a mystery.

  4. It's hard for me to think of cold weather when it's been so hot here. The dogwood tree looks beautiful. Developers are the same wherever you go. They push the rules to the limit and sometimes beyond.
