Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Verdict is IN!

Pretty cool, eh?  I am shocked.  

I've used this before, but thought it was worth bringing out again.


  1. I've been watching since it was announced! I'm going to a friends house and we are breaking out the champagne.

  2. Thankfully..but will he appeal?

  3. This is good. Now we must see what comes of it.

  4. New political ad: Trump, convicted FELON. Biden, NOT.

  5. We need a monument to Stormy Daniels on the National Mall! LOL

  6. a porn star (and the American People) did what the republican senate refused to do all because they wanted to stay in power. of course he will appeal but I think the damage is done. let's hope this snowball keeps rolling downhill.

  7. IQ45 made a comment the night prior that suggested (at least to me) that the verdict was bound to be guilty. While it is unlikely he'll do time, I can foresee Merchan sentencing him to parole. That in itself would be onerous for the felon. There is certainly no point in fining him - he wouldn't pay anyway.
    BTW, did you know that as a convicted felon, IQ45 is ineligible to enter Canada? And he won't be for at least five years after he's served his sentence. I do so hope that other countries have similar rules.

  8. Such wonderful news I jumped for joy when the notification of the verdict came up on my phone! Sure, he'll appeal, but he hasn't a good record of winning his various appeals in the past. He really can't claim that the jury was rigged, and furthermore, that Biden did all this - it was a state case, fergoshsakes. But he doesn't understand the difference. I'm only surprised he didn't blame the verdict on Obama. Or Hillary.

  9. Finally, the Rule of Law was protected enuf that it worked as it should and those Brave Jurors, Witnesses, Judge and Court Staff endured all the intimidation, Threats and even Death Threats by doing their Job admirably and fairly, rendering a unanimous verdict based on Evidence, Proof and Facts and not being so Fearful to have it influence them. What I tell anyone who presumes this was a rigged Case, Innocent people don't threaten, intimidate or weaponize others, they don't NEED to, those tactics are almost always used by Organized Crime Defendants in High Profile Cases where they know Guilt can and will be established beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
