Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Bunnies and Broken Trees

We now have multiple rabbits in the yard.  They're eating patches of grass pretty much down to the roots.  They're darling and all, but I wish they would visit the neighbors.

They both have dark markings on their faces.  The top one also has a dark ring around his white tail. We're calling him "the mustache."

This one has the mark across his nose, but not on the side of his face.

Since it was windy, cold, and threatening rain, we walked up the hill to the big rock.  This happened the other night when the wind was up.

The branch appears to have been bent to the ground.

Other than this, I have not too much to say, except vote for the Democrats.


  1. I will act on your advice!!
    Also your rabbits are adorable especially the one with the dark face. Watership Down!

  2. Those are adorable rabbits. You must have especially choice grass.

  3. The bunnies are cute with their markings! I wonder if there wasn't a domestic rabbit in the mix at some point. Hopefully they don't become too much of a nuisance.

  4. You must have the neighborhood's best grass. Vote blue, up and down.

  5. Trump says when he wins NY the election will be over and then they will take over. we will take over, he says. so yeah vote blue up and down.

  6. Yes, vote for the Democrats. Can't believe this latest lie that orange buffoon is spewing that the FBI wanted to assassinate him. Worse, his base will believe it. Hopefully there are more of us who are dyed in the wool blue.
