Sunday, May 26, 2024

Measurements, Plants and Godzilla

Today we went to REI.  They're having a sale, lots of people were there.  Jim recently bought a new bike saddle, because the old one was killing him.  He loves it.  So we went back for another one just like it.  While we were there I got my sit bones measured.  I am 13.6 cm across the ischeal tuberosities.  Jim is 10.1 cm.  Bike saddle manufacturers are using those measurements these days to size their saddles.  Specialized has been doing it for awhile, but they no longer make the saddle I'm riding, which is par for the course; if I like it, it gets discontinued.  I'm writing those numbers down so I can a) remember them, and b) find them after I forget.

Friday was a nice day, so we rode to the lake.  It was chilly and breezy, but not unbearable. 

Things are blooming some.  It's still in the low 40's at night, and I don't think the plants like it much.  This is the dogwood.  He's got a bunch of what appears to be dead wood in the center, but then there are leaves at the top.  I'm resisting the urge to get out the loppers.

The rhodies have many buds, but very few have opened.  I'm hoping for more if it ever warms up.  We have a weird weather pattern.  There is bright sun in the morning, getting our hopes up for good weather, but by about 1pm, clouds roll in, wind comes up and it's just unpleasant.  I'm writing this on the front porch, attempting to caramelize onions in a cast iron skillet in the grill, but they are remaining a pasty unpleasant shade of pale.  I think I'll turn the heat up, I'd like to go inside where it's warmer.

These are the red twig dogwoods we put in last year.  They've grown, and appear happy. 

Yesterday, for reasons unknown to me, the handlers for the orange menace decided it would be a good idea to send him to the Libertarian Convention.  It did not go well for him.  Here is a tweet containing footage of him telling them to vote for him, that the Libertarians are booing and heckling.  It was glorious.  There are articles on the subject, focusing on the MAGAT's attempt to flood the hall with orange menace supporters.  There are memes on the subject.

That's it!  That's all I have to say about things.


  1. I guess the libertarians do not want to WIN!. Satisfying to hear the orange toddler get booed so enthusiastically and to have fights break out among the stupider than most. I forgot about REI's sale- Maybe tomorrow! We have so much credit there I could get a new shoe!

  2. Yeah, I'd say Trump misjudged his appeal to Libertarians! (Just as he misjudges it to anyone outside his obsessed band of MAGA followers.) We're having similar weather here -- unseasonably cold and wet, it seems to me.

  3. I find it very humorous that IQ45 was booed - I'm sure that was a real shock to his ego, and well deserved. The closing arguments in the hush money trial are this week too. I'm hopeful the decision by the jury will be swift and just.
    We're finally getting some warmer weather here - I hope it lasts. Enjoy your rides!

  4. if you want heat, come down here. supposed to hit 97 here and currently 98% humidity.

    it's about time someone popped that demented ass's bubble so kudos to the Libertarians, at least for this. did you see the video of Trump standing in a parking lot empty of people with the full viewing bleachers for NASCAR far away in the background doing his fist bump and waving to his 'adoring' crowd? as if they were all there for him and not the race. as if they could even see him.

  5. The booing was quite musical. Your dogwood looks good. A favorite tree of mine.

  6. Measuring sitbones width was a brilliant step forward by saddle makers.

    1. It really was, saddles were always such a hit & miss thing before the manufacturers began that.

  7. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

  8. I love those red twig dogwood blooms. They are gorgeous. I wish we still had some cool weather but as you probably know, the heat has arrived.
    I loved all the booing for the orange one. He deserves it and so much more.
