Thursday, May 16, 2024

Planting is Over and Some Men

Today was windy!  We had planned to do hill repeats up the trail behind the neighborhood, but the air was yellow.  Really yellow from pollen.  So, we decided to bail on it.  I'm not sure how bad pollen is for the lungs, but I think I would rather not find out.  Hopefully the wind advisory will be over tomorrow.

Yesterday we got the rest of the box woods in the ground.  That project is over, and I am very happy about that.  The two plants foreground are where the giant juniper was.  If we had not take out the root ball and many of the roots, we could not have planted there.  So, the drudgery was worth it.  In 10 or so years, the short ones will be the same height as the older plants.

Rocks were repurposed.  We have a decorative rock placement.  There used to be a border at the base of the juniper, but there was no need for it any more.

This is in our neighbor's yard.  He has a beautiful display in spring, no effort on our part.

Who's current on the Harrison Butker controversy?  He's a kicker for the Chiefs.  One of his team mates is Taylor Swift's boyfriend.  Anyway he spoke at a graduation ceremony, during which he said that a woman's only vocation should be taking care of her husband and having babies.  The entire twenty minutes can be seen here on youtube.  There is a 80 second clip here, which is about all I could stand.  Anyway, he's been dragged fairly thoroughly and today he put out an explainer - to say what he really meant. 

Isn't that better?


  1. Oh god, footballers , head injuries and probably could not have made it to university without a sports scholarship. What a throw back- get back jo jo!
    I love your organizational skills- We need you- over here- where nothing ever gets done!

  2. Windy here too in the west! I can hear my wind chimes chiming. Did he really say that or was it simply a meme? I can't believe any person can believe that claptrap, but in today's political climate...not surprising.

  3. If he said that I think that she is with the wrong man!!
    Your garden work looks good..and if there is plenty of pollen around, stay indoors or mask up..reacting to it isn't fun

  4. What a freaking loser. I hope some woman takes him down a peg or two in the very near future. Though I suppose he wouldn't hesitate to smack her around either.
    Your boxwood pathway looks great! Your neighbour's columbines are such a pretty color.

  5. Okay. I'm going to enter the fray. I had a 35 year career with the IRS and I'm really proud of what I accomplished. BUT - my greatest accomplishment has been as a wife and mother. I am much prouder of my family than I am of any other accomplishment.

    However his way of expressing his beliefs were way off base. He is entitled to those beliefs and he was speaking at a very staunch catholic college where family is emphasized. He came across as sounding like he's the master instead of a partner in his marriage. I sure hope that's not true.

    In good news, your pathway is beautiful.

  6. Well, it looks nice and now I understand why you took out the root ball.

    and that's supposed to make it better? no explanation needed, he said it well enough the first time. what a jerk but it was a Catholic college after all.

  7. He had to be aware that saying those things was going to cause a stink, even at a conservative school. He's just a sad little man who wants to be talked about.

    That area where the juniper came out looks so NEAT. It's like that tree was never there!

  8. Your new border is nice. Harrison Butker, however, is an idiot. Well, a misogynist, and all the rest of that lexicon.

  9. Omg, I can believe that Harrison Butker thought that explanation would get him out of trouble. His comments are so ridiculous as to be farcical. I bet he votes for Trump come November. Trump can have him. More importantly, your garden path looks lovely with those decorative shrubs and stones.

  10. Your pathway looks great - so tidy. Ours never look so tidy. Nice job! As for Butker, what an idjit.
