Friday, February 16, 2024

Justice, Justice Denied, and a Tree

Well, it has been a day for the Orange ectoplasm.  He immediately said he would appeal the decision, but he'll have to post a bond equal to 120% of the fine.  Good luck finding a bail bondsman that will take on that risk. 

From the WAPO we learn that, "Engoron also said Trump could not serve as an officer or a director for any New York company for three years. Trump has denied all wrongdoing and assailed the case.  Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, who were also defendants in the case — were fined $4 million each. Both men were also blocked from serving as an officer or director for any New York corporation for two years."  He's also banned from borrowing money from any bank licensed in NY for three years, most large banks need a NY license to have access to capital.  Eric and Jr. are banned for two years.

I love this.

In news of the sad, Navalny has died in prison.  No doubt he was murdered at the behest of the republican party's new hero, Putin. 

Have you followed the "trial' in Georgia to determine if Fani Willis should recuse herself from the RICO trial she has brought against the people trying to steal the election.  Apparently ectoplasm's lawyers have spent a lot of time questioning Ms Willis about her habit of keeping cash in the house.  Who doesn't have cash in the house?  I have cash in the house.  Senator Bob Menendez has hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash as well as gold bars in his house.  This entire trial has been about good old white boys trying to take down a successful Black woman. They're just disgusting people.  I don't know why the judge has allowed these intrusive and offensive lines of inquiry to proceed.  There is more here.

We have been doing the rounds of doctors.  Monday I saw my PCP, and Jim saw his dermatologist.  The dermo dude did not spare the liquid nitrogen.  When Jim was a kid he spent a lot of time on the water.  That was before sunscreen.  The damage was done then, and it continues to percolate up to the top of his head.  These days, that head is never in the sun uncovered.  This Monday there are two more appointments, and then we should be done for awhile.  When we moved to Spokane I firmly expected to find a better level of health care available, and I was totally and completely wrong.  Doctors are better, and more plentiful here.  It makes a case for not staying in Spokane after we are well and truly decrepit.  I guess doctors like the desert more than they like eastern Washington.

There has been bicycling, since it warmed up.  The wind is still howling, but it's warmer.  Today we went to see if the sewer pipe project is nearing completion.  That would be a big negatory.  The small green and white machine is joining two sections of sewer pipe.  This will eventually be buried.

This is outfall from the sewage treatment plant.  The trees love the water.

This is a big tree at Christopher Columbus park.  Google lens does not know what it is, other than a tree.  It has a white trunk at the base.  Look at that sky.  Winter sky is the best.  Update to post:  It's a Eucalyptus.

Other than this, I have not a lot to say, other than I hope the ex-president loses everything he owns.


  1. I hope for the same. It would mean that there is some justice in the world.

  2. I hope he loses more than he owns. 😬 This gives me hope.

  3. I can't imagine a bail bondsman has that much cash to even be able to post bond for Trump and still have money for others. this whole hearing against Willis was orchestrated by Trump operatives. the whole cash thing is ridiculous and asking her over and over if she lived with Wade, refusing to accept her answer.

    I have an appointment with the dermatologist next week. had a beach house growing up and spent weekends and summers in the sun. it's my face that gets the treatment.

  4. I'm with you on this - one hopes that he loses everything. I bet Melania is losing her mind. Sadly, though I suspect he'll find a way to grift a lot of people - though that big a fine is going to be hard to come up with.

  5. There was so much to admire about Engoron's ruling. Including these choice words: "Their complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological. They are accused only of inflating asset values to make more money. The documents prove this over and over again. This is a venial sin, not a mortal sin. Defendants did not commit murder or arson. They did not rob a bank at gunpoint. Donald Trump is not Bernard Madoff. Yet, defendants are incapable of admitting the error of their ways. Instead, they adopt a “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” posture that the evidence belies."
    But I fear that justice will never reach trump. He'll turn over his NY businesses to Melania and Ivanka -- who aren't barred from running a business in NY. He's so dishonest that I wouldn't be surprised if he gets money out of some Russian oligarchs. I've believed for years that he's been a Russian asset since he went to the Soviet Union in 1987, if not before. He didn't know he was being groomed and probably still doesn't. Craig Unger wrote two books about it.
    About the Fani Willis trial: what a joke. I'm still trying to figure out why it would be conflict of interest for Fani and Mr. Wade to be sleeping together. As she pointed out in her written response to the original charges (and I'm paraphrasing, mostly): "A personal relationship between two lawyers is not enough to disqualify a prosecutor. Some of the lawyers for various defendants in the case were either married or in a personal relationship. The existence of a relationship between members of a prosecution team, in and of itself, is simply not a status that entitles a criminal defendant any remedy."
    Maddening. Like so many others I fear for our country.

  6. Thank you, Allison. I wonder if photographers are taking less opportune photos of him, or if DJT really is becoming a haggard as he looks.

  7. It was a red-letter day, wasn't it?! The Trump ruling was such happy news. And I liked Willis's articulate defense, though to be fair, we shouldn't be looking to Bob Menendez to set any kind of example. :)

    I've also had to undergo the liquid-nitrogen-to-the-top-of-the-head routine. Growing up in Florida will do that to a person!

    Is that mystery tree a eucalyptus of some sort? I can't see the leaves in detail but the coloring seems right.
