Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Riding and Planting Grass

Greetings, Fellow Humans. It's nearly fall in the Inland Empire.  That's what it's called here, really.  It's not so hot as it was.  

There has been purchasing, in defiance of the non-acquisition fatwa.  Two new bikes managed to make their way into the house.  The first bikes we bought had lower end components to keep the price down.  We had wanted the bikes with the next level up of components, but the supply chain said no.  Anyway, after looking in to the cost of a new derailleur, and associated components, we decided it wasn't worth the cost.

So we bought new mid-level bikes.  The main attraction of two more bikes is that we can leave two in Tucson and quit towing that wretched trailer.  We'll leave the bike rack in Tucson for the day we decide we're too old to keep making the drive twice a year.  Look at the paint on these, it's really cool what it does in the sun.

There has been yard work.  Yay!  Grass lawns are a pain in the butt.  One corner of the yard had a crab grass infestation.  Do you know about crab grass?  It's an annual weed.  It puts out prodigious amounts of seed in the fall.  It chokes out the good grass by spreading along the ground, and in general looks bad.  So, we spent a few days digging it up.  You would not believe the roots they put out, reminds me of day lilies. A pitch fork was required to get under them and lift. There is sort of a trench running around the edge of the yard, caused by years of string trimmers edging.  That needed to be preserved, so we dug to within about two inches of the edge.  Then there was a fun part - a weed burner.

The crab grass is gone, the structural integrity of the yard is preserved.  Now there will be spreading of lawn dirt, seeding, raking and spreading of composted steer manure.

There has been riding out on the Aubrey White parkway.  In the pretty neighborhood there is road between the houses and the river.  The riverside part of the yards are very lush and green. 

We have turkeys.  These people have peacocks.  I think I'll take the turkeys, they make way less noise.

Oh yes,  there was scrubbing of the deck.  It's an annual event, beloved by all.  As much sun as it gets back there, I'm always amazed at the amount of moss and algae that grows out there.

So that's it; riding, scrubbing, and yard work.


  1. You've been very busy! I think having the second set of bikes is a great idea. Very pretty colors too.
    Oh yes, I know crab grass. Mom fought it ever year on the farm and I recall helping pull it up with those long roots. We never tried burning it though.

  2. I think it best you stay with the Inland Empire. Relocating to the Midwest would be culture shock, unless you bought into a residential neighborhood that employed lawn services that provide lush green lawns, perfectly manicured, from the back of trucks that block one lane of the road until all lawns are serviced. Otherwise, we live with our crabgrass.

  3. I think Riverside and San Bernardino are also known as the "Inland Empire." In fact it was the title of a David Lynch film set there, as I recall.

    I've heard of weed burners but I don't think I've ever seen one used!

    Peacocks ARE noisy. One of my dad's neighbors used to have one that perched on the roof of our house at night. It used to call out and when I first heard it, as a kid, it freaked me out because I thought it was a woman screaming for help!

  4. still too hot for yard work here unless you get up and out at dawn. having two sets of bikes, great idea.

  5. It seems like yard work and for that matter house work, never ends. There is always something to do. Congrats on the new bikes.

  6. Your new bikes are gorgeous, and I think that's a great idea. Crabgrass...ugh. We have more of a problem with invasive Japanese stiltgrass in our woods and are attacking that now.
