Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Rain and a Flipping Witness

We had another day of not riding.  This morning, it was raining.  After awhile it rained really hard.  Hopefully it rained on the local fires.  Apparently the fixed wing aircraft have not been able to get out and dump retardant and water, because the smoke is too bad.  It's the kind that stays lower to the ground and obscures visibility.  After the hard rain the new Red Twig Dogwoods looked like this.  They're never happy.

Today a key witness in the documents case, Yuscil Taveras, has recanted his previous testimony that there had been no tampering with evidence, and has now detailed what he saw happen at Mar A Lardo.

From the Daily Beast we learn the following: 

... after dumping his lawyer, Stanley Woodward, for another attorney offered up by the federal defender’s office in Washington, Taveras quickly reversed course.

“Immediately after receiving new counsel,” Smith’s office said in the filing, Taveras retracted his prior testimony and “provided information that implicated” Trump and his two alleged co-conspirators “in efforts to delete security camera footage.”

Sources familiar with the matter told ABC News that Taveras’ decision to switch lawyers and cooperate with Smith’s office came after he received a target letter from Smith in June, indicating he knew Taveras had perjured himself during his grand jury testimony, and warning of possible criminal charges.

So, did Woodward suborn perjury?  Was this obstruction of justice?  Inquiring minds want to know, and want the orange ectoplasm to go to jail for something - anything.  You can read more about this here.

That's it!  That's all I've got.


  1. Maybe more of the trump minions will flip or plead and they can get on with the damn trials already.

  2. It is going to be an interesting year or so, as these trials make their way through the justice system. I'm with you, please lock him up!
    Hopefully the rain helps with the fire fighting efforts, and soon.
