Thursday, August 17, 2023


It's really hot.  Today should have been a ride day, but it's just too hot.  We went Tuesday, having arisen at the unholy hour of 7:30, and were on the bikes at 8:30.  It was good to be up and out.  It's kind of nice, there aren't that many people on the trail, hardly anyone was at the lake.  Best of all, there were herons out looking for fish.  That almost made it worth getting up an hour early.

Tomorrow it will cool off and we are happy about that.

I do not have much to say.  The orange ectoplasm continues to spew bullshit.  Today he seemed unable to finish a sentence.  He talked about rain falling from heaven, and then meandered back onto dishwashers and faucets that don't have enough water flow.  He sounds demented. 

This is interesting.  Currently waste water sampling is about the only metric available for measuring the prevalence of Covid.  This recent finding does not seem particularly good.  For those of you not familiar with Dr. Hotez, he's dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine, and professor of pediatrics and molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine.  He has also developed patent free vaccines for distribution to the bulk of the planet that can't afford Moderna or Pfizer.

It's not just Houston where numbers are climbing.

That's it!  That's all I've got.


  1. I love herons!
    I've read of the increasing covid numbers, and wonder what stance our Republican governor will take this time. He was probably the only strict R governor last time, and it got pretty nasty, his constituency hurling insults and barbs so that his health director eventually quit and went into hiding to avoid death threats. I wonder if we Ohioans have changed a little after the last election and the resounding defeat of LaRose's Issue One (and only state ballot item).

  2. It is worth catching the morning. I woke just before six this morning...and wondered what the point would be of staying in I am quietly getting on with things..there is a nice blue sky, but it is breezy with gusts of nearly I am staying indoors until it gets nearer to 60⁰ than 50⁰ !!
    Covid cases have always been around, now the new variant of Omicron is rising enough to be given a name. It isn't officially counted unless they have to, tests are no longer free...

  3. The heron is such a striking bird. And the photo of the lake as smooth as glass is incredible.
    We're seeing Covid numbers rise here too, and no word regarding a booster. I will take it when it is offered.

  4. Why is Trump so obsessed with dishwashers? He's yammered on about that before. He really DOES sound demented. It's funny how so many of Trump's followers focus on Joe Biden's mental state when I think Trump's is FAR more questionable.

    Covid does indeed seem to be on the upswing once again. I guess we're just going to live with this forever. :/

  5. I love herons. driving around I see an occasional great blue or one of the smaller herons. and of course the ubiquitous 'cow birds', the small herons that hang out in field with the cows.

    Trump is a cornered rat and his mental state is deteriorating as he tries to grasp the fact that after his long life of never being held responsible finally his chickens are coming home to roost.
