Monday, June 12, 2023

Non-Specific Stuff

Greetings Fellow Humans.  How are things?  We are still slightly delirious over the fact that the orange dumpster fire has received 37 charges in the Florida indictments.  THIRTY SEVEN.  That's impressive.    Even better is the fact that he has to have a local lawyer, and thus far no one in Florida wants to represent him.  He needs a lawyer that specializes in national security issues.  Perhaps it is his habit of not paying people, or perhaps it's the crap he spouts on Truth Social that make people not want to work for him.  Anyway, he doesn't have representation yet.  This article was on Yahoo News this morning, it's a pretty good accounting of what he's facing and why he should quit talking.

There has been painting.  One morning Jim up and announced he was going to paint the door frame of the people door into the garage.  I helped with masking, however he paints wood better than I do, so I did not help there.

There has been riding to the lake.  We've seen a bicycle tour group a couple of times.  We can't find the tour on their website, but it seems odd that people will pay money to ride on a public bike trail.  Maybe it's like when we went to France and rode on public roads, we needed someone to give us a map and tell us where to go.  When you live somewhere, it never seems like it should be a tourist destination.  We were shocked when cruise ships started docking in Seattle.

This is currently in bloom at the state park.  Google identifies it as a Viper's-bugloss.

There was a stretch of terrible weather recently, so we reluctantly decided to unload the downstairs bedroom and paint it.  It was the last big painting effort.  It's the same color as before, but we fixed a bunch of holes in the sheet rock and now they don't drive me crazy anymore.  The light is so bad down there between the over head light and the halogen work lights that there are no pictures.  So, painting is done except for a couple of nail pops in the laundry room.  They bother Jim more than me, so there's no telling when they'll get done.

This is the Garland region of Spokane.  We were there taking watches in for new batteries.  It's a nice, retro very walkable part of town.

The axle traps arrived.  They're just a thing of beauty, really pretty machining.  Now we have to figure out how to line up the bikes, where the forks should be and all of that.  However, look at how they're packaged.  The brown you see is the cardboard, the beige with swirly things is tape.  They taped every corner, every seam, and the top and bottom.  The whole thing just tickles me.  If you need axle traps, check out Unaka.

These are fledgling yellow-crowned night herons.  You can read their story here on twitter.  They're such goofy looking birds.  They're currently recovering at the New York Wild Bird Sanctuary.

I must go now, we're actually cooking from a recipe tonight.  It's not something we do very often.


  1. 37paddington: bike riding and painting, you’re strong and fit and I’m impressed and teeny bit envious. My mom used to say use it or lose it. How wise you have been to keep using your bodies in that active way.

  2. Yay for your orange one's progress..or lack of. Looks like our equivalent should be going the same way.
    Bugloss also called Alkanet... apparently a good dye plant

  3. a journalist contacted a lawyer from the Southern District of Florida about Trump's search for an attorney who said the trouble was, none of them wanted to work for him because he's a nightmare client. maybe his chickens have finally come home to roost.

    and those are some very goofy looking birds.

  4. I read last evening the IQ45 has suggested he'll "only" take a plea deal on the condition there are damages paid to him. Damages for what? Always the grifter. I do hope he faces some true consequences for his behaviours.
    We flew out of Seattle in 2014 after a short cruise to Alaska, and managed to visit Pike's Market before having to head to the airport. Hopefully I'll get back there again some day.

  5. I love that Brown Derby Tavern sign in your second Spokane shot. Very retro! I've seen Viper's bugloss on the coast in England, growing near the pebbly beaches. Apparently it's quite an adaptable plant.

    Can you imagine trying to be Trump's lawyer, representing a man who believes he can do (and say) no wrong? What an awful job.

  6. I wonder if that Brown Derby in Garland is an authentic one. I'm under the impression they went out of business. As for all the rest of your wonderful and goofy reporting, I'll be by next time.

  7. I'm as delirious about the Orange Dumpster Fire and his inability to find Legal Representation is a Bonus on top of the Indictments. He'll never shut up, so he is a Train Wreck as a Defendant for any Defense Attorney and his Charges are among some of the most serious and we don't really know what he has done with what he had that compromises National Security and bought him favors of Debts he owes and cannot repay? He's too transactional, greedy and always running a Con or Grift to have just had that much squirrelled away for Nothing... so this Trial will probably reveal a LOT that isn't public knowledge yet. Finding an impartial Jury in MAGAt Country there in Florida will be a challenge, his hijacked Party was already defending him before they even saw what the Indictment held, so mebbe some of them are complicit, you never know... there's a lot of infiltration in Govt. these days of Extremists and Domestic Terrorists... it's not a good thing to contemplate where this will lead us. Those Birds are so goofy looking that they are Adorable and I'm glad they are recovering and were rescued.

  8. I absolutely love the Yellow-Crowned Night Heron fledglings; had seen the adults in several spots (first sighting was in Belize), but I had never even looked up a photo of the youngsters. They are hilarious looking, like hippie-punk kids who drive their mamas cray-cray!
