Last night's predicted thunder snow did not appear. The Catalinas got some snow, but we did not. Happy I am about that!

It's cold (yes, I know, I have no idea of the true meaning of cold, but
I am cold) here! It's cloudy and really windy. Hopefully it will stop being like this soon. I had to laugh at us making lunch. We were trying to run a toaster oven and the space heater on a 20 amp circuit. Yeah, like that's going to be successful!
Today we went out to look at the Santa Cruz River. We met this dog on the way to the river bed. Don't you think the Italian Greyhound looks like a meerkat? She was very friendly, look at her front paws.

This is the Santa Cruz River bed - it's really running, the flow is really fast.

So - we're drying out now and it's going to be cold - really cold! Freezing, in fact.
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