Thursday I didn't feel that great so I sat out in the sun and watched Jim wash the mountain bikes. I excel in the supervisory role.
Later that afternoon we decided to go for a walk. We parked at the Genser trail head. Here is Jim going back towards the truck to make sure he locked the door. I like how his T shirt is the same color as the sky.
The view from an overlook.
We walked down the steep rocky hill into the Tucson Mountain Park, trying to determine if it's rideable (no). This guy and a woman were riding up it. He is really strong. You can't see them, but he's coming up boulders that are about 8 or 9 inches tall.
A very attractive dead tree.
This is the storage area at the RV park. Look at the SIZE of the trailer this Class A is towing.
Today I still felt rotten. We went out to Fantasy Island and rode the bunny trails, I practiced steering and riding in sand. We came back and reinstalled the bracket with the new manly 2 inch receiver. Here is Jim persuading the bracket back into place.
Now Jim is spray painting the bolt heads on the RV.
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