This is a lady statue holding up a light.

The weather had not been all that great until Friday; which was total beauty. So we went for a hike out to the stone hut in Tucson Mountain Park.
Remember when I had my camera set on ISO 1600 the previous night? Friday I put my camera back in Program mode so I could have continuous (faster) exposures, forgetting that I had left the ISO at 1600. So these are really terrible pictures, since they are over exposed. But they are interesting enough to me that we'll look at them anyway.
This is a really steep trail full of loose rock and boulders. These people are having a very enjoyable day practicing getting up this trail. They would ride up as far as they could get, and then ride back down and try it again. We were surprised that they were not wearing body armor.
This woman was small but very strong.
We drove by to see the removal of a really old park model. The neighbors were out in their lawn chairs watching the work. The Arizona Room had been dismantled and was on a trailer heading out to the scrap heap.
Today, being Sunday, was the breakfast ride to the Rincon Market. They do really good omelets to order. Here Jim and Dave are talking after breakfast. It was an absolutely glorious day.
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