A 1996 Jeep Cherokee carrying a 33-year-old driver and a 4-year-old girl was heading north on Mission at a high rate of speed — possibly 70 mph or more in a 45 mph zone. At the same time, a 1994 Isuzu pickup truck with one adult and two teens was pulling out of a mobile home park on Mission and attempted to make a left (on to Mission) when the two vehicles collided. The Cherokee rolled before coming to a stop on its roof. The Isuzu spun. A 17-year-old in the pickup truck was ejected from the vehicle as was the 4-year-old who was in a car seat in the Cherokee.
The driver of the pickup, however, did sustain life-threatening injuries and the driver of the Cherokee suffered serious injuries.
The driver of the pickup, however, did sustain life-threatening injuries and the driver of the Cherokee suffered serious injuries.
So, when you're back for next winter, take it easy at this turn.

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