Greetings from the Black Canyon AZ KOA. It's pretty here, it's about 2,000 feet, very lush and green desert. We had a successful launch this morning. Kim took this picture of me directing Jim to steer the hitch at the pin box. He has not squashed me yet.

This is an owl in the palm tree in RCW. The maintenance guy said there are 3 babies, but I could not see them.

We stopped for lunch south of Phoenix, it was warm and windy. Phoenix is just enormous, it took about an hour to drive through one end of the megalopolis to the other. There is now a continuous stream of development from Casa Grande to Happy Valley.

North of Phoenix.

This is outside the RV park. That is a Gambel's quail on the branch. There are many here running around calling to each other.

A fine example of a Buckhorn Cholla in bloom.

A picture of the park. The cable is out here. Apparently the FBI seized the local cable company to investigate charges leveled by the local dish dealer that the cable company was pirating their programming. So, the 7,000 or so residents who had cable tv no longer have access until the FBI completes their investigation. Thus far no date has been given for this event. The wi-fi here is astounding. Hulu works really well.

Friday and Saturday are supposed to be extremely windy in Page (gee, something new), so we have moved the boat reservation until Sunday, in hopes that the water will be less lumpy. I extended our RV reservation one day, so we do not fall off the edge of the planet until Tuesday. Soon, we must develop a plan and execute!
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