This is Friday morning before the wind really hit. The palm trees were frothy at this point. We rode about 15 miles and decided to hang it up. I hate cross winds, just hate that.
This is why one always assumes that the ground in an RV park is contaminated. For you non-RVers, that is a sewer hose, the item that drains the poop from the RV into the park sewer system. Why anyone would drape their sewer hose over the electric power pole is just beyond me.
Today (Saturday) was just snotty all day. Rain, wind, cold. I want my snowbird rebate! Kim bought eggs and egg dying. It was fun! One uses crayons and then dunks the colored eggs in dye. Some of mine were attractive, others, not so much.
Are they not festive?
Tomorrow is supposed to be better for weather. We're having dinner chez Kim and Jim. Eventually I'm going to get a picture of them, so you can see what they look like.
Have a good Easter, go hug someone you love.
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