Old hotel signs.
This is sad, the Pack 'em Inn has closed. This was very popular with college students who had no money. They had a pit in the middle of the restaurant with burning wood, and the waitresses would cook the steaks. They made a really good whiskey sour.
Yesterday was Tuesday, and it was HOT! Tucson now has the furnace feel. It's like standing in front of a kiln.
Kim and Jim's air conditioner was not operating when it was hot. Which is a bummer. So, they summoned that wonder of the RV park, the mobile repair guy, Kenneth Cameron, to replace it. The ac unit weighs 135 pounds. Kenneth and Rachel are lowering the old one and pulling the new one up the ladder. Strong people.
This is my first movie. Picassa strings the pictures into a slide show, one uploads it to YouTube, and then imbeds it into the blog. Way more stuff than I ever thought of doing. Kim tells me it needs music, she's probably right. Anyway, click the play button.
This is a saguaro in the RV park, it's blooming. They bloom when they're 40 years old, and start making arms when they're 70. So, he's an old cactus.
So, tomorrow morning (Thursday, 4/23), assuming no disasters or last minute problems we will depart at a leisurely pace to Black Canyon, AZ. Friday, we will arrive at the Wahweap campground in Page, AZ for 3 days. Today's song that I have stuck in my head is Tom Petty doing "Into the great wide open", since we do not know where we will be going after the 3 day reservation in Wahweap is up.
So, posting may be less frequent than it has been, depending on the strength of the aircard.
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