Monday, August 19, 2024

The Lake, Turkeys, and Gym Equipment

Mellow Greetings Earthlings.  How goes it in your parts?  It's not freaking hot anymore, but it's warm.  I had planned to sit on the front porch and type this while caramelizing onions in the grill, but it's too hot for that.  My fall back is to go out every 10 minutes and stir, hoping they won't have burned in the mean time.  They're labelled Walla Walla sweets, but they smell more like big yellow onions.  Cutting them up was brutal.

Two days ago there was almost a full moon.  All of my cameras refused to see it, but it's sort of a nice picture of across the street.

As usual, there has been riding to the lake.  I have two photos that do not totally suck.  The first is the exit road from the park.  This is the egress for cars and people towing boats.  Behind the flowers is private property, he has a massive garden as well as a boat lift.  Truly, he has housing perfection.

This duck was in the sun, you can see the color on his face.

The turkeys have been spending time in the next door yard.  We go for weeks without seeing them, but they've been here a lot as of late.  I was watching them dig.  They have big strong feet and they're not afraid to up root the annuals in a search for bugs.

Yesterday was terrible.  As you no doubt recall, in October of 2021, our home gym arrived.  We bought a pad that came in segments with interlocking sides.  It was a spectacular failure.  Even though we duct taped all of the seams on the underside, the combination of the movement of the machine, and the insanely Scotch Guarded carpet, resulted in the pad unzipping itself over time.  So, we had to partially disassemble the weight equipment so we could unload the weight stack so we could move it enough to get the new pad under it.  This resulted in me resting the top bar on my shoulder while Jim unloaded the stack.  It's very heavy.  Anyway, it's done now, if we get the same amount of time out of this pad, I will be a happy camper.  The whole exercise is leading me to think that should we move, that will not be going with us.  Packing would be horrific.  It looks nicer on the black pad than the previous one which was baby blue.

The orange menace has re-posted a video that claims that VP Harris has been promoted to her current position by doing sexual favors for men.  I can not tell you how revolting I find this person.  Coverage is here, if you're interested.  I don't want it touching my blog.

Fall is on its way, the hydrangeas are developing their rust color that they finish out the season with.

And finally, there is this.

But wait, there's also this.


  1. Donald Dump and his friends are disgusting pieces of shit, little tiny men who are afraid of strong, intelligent women.

  2. Go Chicago!!! Love it. Between IQ45 and JD Guyliner, the GOP is in a huge mess. I do hope it shows at the ballot box.

  3. Walla walla sweets are sooo good. Hope yours turned out perfect. About 2 1/2 months and I sure hope I'm having a party. That man has got to go.

  4. well, it's hot here. supposed to be triple digits today and tomorrow and then by the end of the week will cool down (ha!) to low 90s. I would not like to have turkeys in my yard. As for Trump and his ilk, they really despise women, by which I mean they fear us.

  5. That business about Harris has been making the rounds on the right-wing news sites for ages. They're also trying to spread rumors that she has a drinking problem. It's pure misogyny and racism.

  6. We cannot have another republican presidency. I have become even more of a news junkie than I was in 2008. And advocating blue votes.

  7. Trump is losing whatever mind he had left to lose. On the upside, I adore the Dem ticket. I love Time and Gwen Walz more every day, such great dad and mom energy, but smart and moral and teacher hip and fun. They could not be more real.

  8. Your hydrangeas are gorge! I don't blame you at all for leaving the weight machine whenever you do move. The buyers may insist you haul it off, but perhaps not; they might want it...we would!

  9. Love the hot dog sign. All those turkeys roaming the yard is quite a sight. You certainly have some fancy exercise equipment. They look better than those in the gym here.
    Did you watch the DNC? Kamala gave a perfect speech. I'm feeling very hopeful. Cautiously so, naturally.
