Thursday, August 8, 2024

Swift Boating and More Republican Lying

We rode this morning, it was nice.  Down at the lake, the scary geese are back.  These are the ones that bite.  We give them a wide berth.  It was a good ride, we clocked our best time for this summer.  We get faster, but the hills do not get less painful.   Funny how that works.

Welp, Granpa Ranty, aka the orange menace, held a press conference today.  It was just pathetic.  He leaned on a podium for an hour, and repeated all of his greatest lies.  He's fixated on crowd size.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are attracting huge crowds, way more than Grandpa does, and they're enthusiastic crowds.   Click here for video of Air Force Two landing in Michigan.  There are way more than 1,000 people in the audience, which is what the orange dude says her crowds are.  Additionally, he looked old and decrepit.  One of the best clips of a glitch can be found here.  Note that he's searching for words as he speaks.  He only has one event this week, in Montana.  One wonders if campaign staff is trying to keep people from seeing the deterioration.

Who remembers Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?  They were a political organization formed to tarnish the reputation of John Kerry when he was running for president.  Their claims were eventually found to be untrue, and they were fined $300,000.  However, the damage was done.  Swiftboating remains in the US lexicon.  Well, people like that are back.  Chris LaCivita worked on the first Swiftboat, and now he's back besmirching Tim Walz.  LaCivita is on the re-election team for the orange one.  Tim Walz achieved the rank of Command Sergeant Major, E9.  It's the highest enlisted rank there is.  After 24 years in the National Guard, Walz decided to retire because he wanted to run for Congress.  He retired at the rank of Master Sergeant E8 because he had not been to the training program required to retire as a Command Sergeant Major E9, despite functioning in that role.  There was no demotion.  There are ex-military people who are claiming that Walz retired rather that deploy to Iraq.  The timeline does not support that.  It takes months to retire, Walz started the process before deployment was announced.  He retired before his group deployed.  He did not abandon his troops as is being said.  The is Swiftboating at its finest.  It was first brought up in 2007, debunked, and now it's back.  These people should just sit down and quit talking.  As is so often the case, the mainstream media is not reporting this accurately.  It's just crazy making.  

However, all this gives some insight in to the character of J.D. Vance, who yesterday stood up in front of reporters and said that Tim Walz was guilty of stolen valor.  This is a huge insult among the military.  The fact that Vance would say this really lets you know how big of a snake he is.  Go here to watch the lying liar tell lies.

Update:  More from Fred Wellman who was a four tour helicopter driver in Desert Storm. 

So the entire attack on Tim Walz is based on the idea that the guy who replaced him when he retired had over 10 months in the job before they even went to pre-deployment training and wasn't able to lead the men effectively causing them to lose their lives over a year after Walz retired? That's your argument? It only gets more asinine when you find out the guy leading these attacks is THAT GUY! Walz isn't who let the men down. It's the incompetent asshole who didn't do his job and now blames him.

Update:  OK, one more.  Go to here for facts.

It is my most fervent wish that the orange one loses.  I am sick of seeing him, hearing him and worrying about Project 2025.



  1. The word salad that comes from IQ45's mouth is amazingly stupid. That his supporters believe they understand what is coming from his pie-hole is also amazingly stupid. As for Walz and his military service, do they not recall that IQ45 never served?
    Glad you were able to get a ride in, despite the nasty geese. The white ones look like snow geese to me but I'm no expert.

  2. The whole "stolen valor" thing seems to me like a tempest in a teapot. I think if you're not from a military background it doesn't mean much, and hard-core military types are probably more likely to vote Trump anyway. As for the allegations about Walz's background, at the end of the day, voters just have to be smart enough to detect BS when they hear it. I know that's a tall order given what we've seen in the past, but ultimately it's true.

  3. He's a pathetic old man whose 'speeches' are just the same ole lying demeaning shit on repeat. I don't think their attempt to swiftboat Walz is going to work. People understand that the DonOLD campaign is nothing but lies that are getting more and more outrageous. Weird.

  4. The happy ending is there are less than one hundred days left. I trust Orange and sidekick will be over then. Pathetic, the lot of them.

  5. I swear I commented on this post! Did I go to spam?

    1. Both you and Joanne ended up there. Why does blogger do this?

  6. Can't he just FOAD already? The Majority wants Younger more competent Leadership that isn't in severe cognitive decline and has no future so they no longer have fucks to give about the future our children and grandchildren will inherit. All the misinformation and lies should come with hefty Fines that Bankrupt the perpetrators of it, hit them in their wallets hard as a consequence for defamation and misleading the populace on purpose.
